Let's transform education | Transformemos la educación

Our education and learning systems need to change so deeply and in so many ways that it would take thousands of words to explain it. These powerful images from cartoonists and illustrators from different parts of the world show us some of such changes without words. We say thank you to all of them.

Nuestros sistemas educativos y de aprendizaje necesitan cambios tan profundos y en tantos aspectos que tomaría muchas palabras explicarlo. Estas imágenes de maravillosos caricaturistas e ilustradores de diversas partes del mundo nos muestran algunos de estos cambios sin necesidad de palabras. Queremos decirles gracias por eso a todos ellos.

Banksy (Great Britain/Gran Bretaña), Mauro Biani (Italy/Italia), Angel Boligan (Cuba-México), Bonil (Ecuador), Pancho Cajas (Ecuador), Carlín (Perú), María Centeno (Venezuela), Arcabuz (Ecuador), Marcelo Chamorro (Ecuador), Claudius Ceccon (Brazil), Daniel (Ecuador), Eneko (Venezuela-Spain/España), Pawel Kuczynski (Poland/Polonia), Alberto Martínez - Betto (Colombia), Quino (Argentina), El Roto (Spain/España), Rudy y Paz (Argentina), Francesco Tonucci - Frato (Italy/Italia).



















- Rosa María Torres, El sistema escolar que conocemos hace mal a la salud
- Rosa María Torres, El trauma del primer grado

Aprendizajes escolares, aprendizajes familiares (Bangladesh)

 Rosa María Torres

Escuela primaria no-formal del BRAC - Bangladesh. Foto: BRAC

Algo que me maravilló de las escuelas rurales no-formales multigrado del BRAC en Bangladesh es su impacto familiar y comunitario.

El BRAC es una ONG, una de las más grandes de Asia. Sus escuelas primarias no-formales (3 horas diarias de clase, 11 meses al año), son un modelo escolar exitoso que tiene ya más de 50 años de vida, ha graduado a más de 12 millones de estudiantes, ha sido premiado internacionalmente y se ha expandido a otros países. Se les llama escuelas no-formales porque adoptan modalidades flexibles en muchos aspectos, diferentes a las de las escuelas formales convencionales. Son escuelas gratuitas. Uno de sus objetivos iniciales fue favorecer la incorporación de las niñas.

Cuando visité estas escuelas en los 1990s observé que se ponía gran énfasis en enseñar a los alumnos a lavarse las manos y a hervir el agua. El aula estaba llena de carteles con mensajes y dibujos alusivos. Con ayuda de la traductora que me acompañaba, le pregunté a la profesora y me explicó.

Lavarse las manos antes de ingerir los alimentos y hervir el agua que se bebe y con que se cocina son actividades cotidianas que tienen enorme impacto sobre la salud. Muchas enfermedades y muchas muertes pueden evitarse siguiendo estos dos procedimientos. Se insiste en esto a los alumnos y se les pide que enseñen estos hábitos a sus familias. Se les orienta cómo hacerlo, con ayuda de breves y sencillos materiales ilustrados. La evaluación de los alumnos y de la escuela incorpora esta dimensión de educación familiar. Hay alumnos entusiasmados que por su cuenta deciden ampliar las enseñanzas a los vecinos e incluso a toda la comunidad.

Qué diferentes serían los sistemas escolares, los currículos, las pedagogías, las escuelas, los profesores, los alumnos y la cultura escolar si esto que hacen estas escuelitas rurales, multigrado, en Bangladesh se incorporara como ingrediente y rutina propia de la escolarización.

Un sistema escolar que promueve el aprendizaje inter-generacional en temas y problemas claves relacionados con la higiene, el cuidado de la salud y el bienestrar familiar.

Una escuela que entiende su misión no solo como educar a los alumnos sino como educar a la familia y a la comunidad a través de ellos. El auténtico Aprendizaje-Servicio.

Unos contenidos elegidos y pensados no solo como currículo escolar sino como currículo ciudadano.

Una pedagogía orientada no solo a aprender a aprender sino también a aprender a enseñar.

Una evaluación escolar centrada no solo en lo que aprenden los alumnos sino en su capacidad para educar a otros.

Cuánto más relevantes y pertinentes serían los currículos escolares si tuvieran en cuenta las necesidades de la familia y la comunidad local; cuánto más realizados y socialmente útiles se sentirían los alumnos si pudieran poner lo que aprenden al servicio de su propia familia; cuántas cosas podrían niños, adolescentes y jóvenes enseñar a sus padres y abuelos mientras avanzan en su propio aprendizaje; cuánto más útil sería el sistema escolar para el bienestar familiar, el desarrollo comunitario, la superación de la pobreza, el cuidado del medio ambiente y el aprendizaje a lo largo de la vida.  


The green, the blue, the red and the pink schools


by Rosa-María Torres

This is a presentation I did in a workshop in Conakry, Guinea, back in 1993. It has a story. It happened at a UNICEF workshop on non-formal education. I had to explain the differences between formal, non-formal and informal. Never clear and never easy to explain and make people understand. After struggling with words, I decided to use colors instead. With the help of a few transparencies, color makers and an overhead projector I improvised a history of education: the green, the blue, the red, and the pink schools. It worked! The audience applauded enthusiastically at the end. It felt like a performance. My UNICEF colleague, Cyril Dallais, who co-ordinated the workshop with me, convinced me to put the story in writing. I did it. Many called it a poem. It became a great success, especially in Africa. In 2001, ADEA invited me to present it in its Biennale in Tanzania. I translated it into Spanish. It doesn't feel the same ...


T hey had built and lived all their lives with these green schools of theirs,
green as the landscape and the mountains they had grown accustomed to.

Children learned to be children and to prepare themselves for adolescence,
adolescents learned to be adolescents and to prepare themselves for adulthood,
adults learned to be adults, husbands and wives, parents,
full members of their group and their society.

They cultivated the language of the body,
the art of observing and touching,
of listening and speaking.

They learned while playing and while working,
from folktales and dances,
and from the advice of the elderly.

The curriculum was life
and learning a life-long commitment.

A nd then, one day, the blue-eyed men came with their blue schools,
blue as the ocean that had brought them there.

Reading and writing
history and geography
            subjects and homework
uniforms and schedules
            multiple choice tests
exams and certificates.

Children learned how to become adolescents,
adolescents learned how to become adults,
adults were not supposed to learn any more
and forgot to keep on learning.

Common knowledge was denied in the classroom
playing, singing and dancing were labeled "extra-curricular"
the written word was placed in a shrine 
wisdom was declared the property of teachers and books.

The ties between education and life
between the school and the community
became thinner and thinner.
A sophisticated term -- "informal education" --
was invented for something as simple as life learning 
and learning for life -- until then the realm of the obvious --
came to entail complicated curriculum planning,
search for relevance and "life skills" packages.

T he blue schools, with their blue power,
began to spread all over,
like the lakes and the rivers
and soon someone started to speak of the "Blue System".
Blue became synonymous with good, modern, advanced.

The green schools were frowned upon and hidden
behind the green bushes, the green mountains, the green jungle.
They began to be called "traditional"
and "traditional" meant bad, backward, savage.

Green and blue proved very hard to mix.

And although many green children started to go to the blue schools
and were forced to learn in the new blue language they did not understand
no one could stop them from learning in their green homes and communities
their green values and their green curriculum that was useful for life.

W ith time, inevitably, with so much green in and around them,
blue schools began to look a little green,
a little greenish.

Green schools, inevitably, also changed
for good and for bad.
Some disappeared, some survived,
some remained unchanged, tied to the past,
some evolved with time, open to the present and to the future. 

T he Blue System, with its formal garments and circumspect manners
made soon evident its inadequacies and problems
and new words were necessary in order to name them:

            functional illiteracy
                                                            low quality
                                                                        poor learning achievement

Curiously enough,
blue schools
with their long checklist of weaknesses and vices
began to be called "traditional schools"...
just as they had once called the green schools!

And so great confusion arose
and nobody could understand anything anymore.

S omeone proposed a brilliant idea:
red schools!
non-green, non-blue:
Another type of school:

Some, enthusiastically, went even further:
another system!
a Red System!

Many welcomed the idea
and dedicated themselves vehemently to building the new

But after some time
non-blue innovators started to realise
that they needed to build thousands, millions of red schools.
And that it would take them a thousand, a million years.
And that green schools and blue schools paid little attention to red schools.
And that red schools were in fact blue and green in many aspects
because green and blue were not simply colors
but mentalities, values and cultures
long-entrenched in people's minds and in people's histories.

A nd so renovators and innovators came to the conclusion 
that red had to be spread all over
not in a separate Red School System
but in all schools, green and blue,
taking the best of both
working with children, youth and adults
in community meetings and government assemblies
using songs and poems
formal documents and comic strips
newspapers and fliers
television and radio
at home, at the workplace, in the church.

T hey have initiated the painting
and the pink schools that are starting to result and to blossom
make the green and the blue behind them look much brighter.

* Published in: Education News, Issue 12, UNICEF, New York, April 1995. Presented at the ADEA 2001 Biennale (Association for the Development of Education in Africa), Arusha, Tanzania, 7-11 October, 2001.


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