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Mostrando entradas con la etiqueta China. Mostrar todas las entradas

¿China, Corea del Sur o Finlandia?

Si tuvieran que escoger uno de estos tres como modelo educativo a tener como referencia en su país, cuál escogerían: ¿China, Corea del Sur o Finlandia?

Los tres son muy nombrados en el mundo de la educación por su ubicación en los ránkings de la prueba internacional PISA (que mide competencias de lectura, matemáticas y ciencias entre jóvenes de 15 años) elaborada por la OCDE así como en el Indice de Habilidades Cognitivas y Logro Educativo elaborado a partir de varias pruebas internacionales de rendimiento escolar, (PISA, TIMSS y PIRLS). La ciudad china de Shanghai, Corea del Sur y Finlandia lideraron la prueba PISA 2009, seguidas de Hong Kong (región administrativa de China) y Singapur. Shanghai - capital económica de China y una de las ciudades más pobladas del mundo - participó por primera vez en PISA y obtuvo el primer lugar en los tres dominios: lectura, matemáticas y ciencias. Volvió a ubicarse como número 1 en PISA 2012.

En PISA 2009, Finlandia fue el único país no asiático ubicado en los primeros lugares. En PISA 2012 (focalizada en las matemáticas), siete de los 10 mejores resultados correspondieron a Asia - Shanghai, Singapur, Hong Kong, Taiwán, Corea del Sur, Macao y Japón -  seguidos por Liechtenstein, Suiza y Países Bajos, en Europa. Esta vez, Finlandia apareció ubicada en el lugar 12.
En 2015 y en 2018 los tres países volvieron a estar en el top 10 de PISA A partir de 2012 Finlandia viene perdiendo posiciones, lo que ha ocasionado preocupación internacional y en la propia Finlandia. Se atribuyen diversas causas, entre ellas una pérdida de competencia lectora especialmente entre los varones y una creciente brecha en este campo entre mujeres y varones; un crecimiento importante de la población migrante; recortes prespuestarios en los últimos años; creciente interés en los videojuegos; mayor atención al uso de las tecnologías digitales en el aula e insuficiente preparación de los profesores en este terreno.

Estados Unidos, el que más invierte en educación, sigue con resultados mediocres y preocupado con el liderazgo asiático, sobre todo en matemáticas. El caso finlandés no le interesa ni preocupa; un país pequeño y un modelo educativo extraño e incomprensible para la cultura estadounidense, basado en la equidad social, la gratuidad, la no-competencia, el desprecio por los ránkings y las pruebas estandarizadas.

En ningún país, la educación y el nivel educativo de la sociedad pueden juzgarse solo a partir de pruebas y rendimientos escolares medidos por dichas pruebas. No obstante, ya ubicados en el terreno de los puntajes y los ránkings escolares, importa mucho saber cómo se llega a esos resultados. No da lo mismo: el cómo, sobre todo en educación, es fundamental, parte del qué, el por qué y el para qué.

Aunque, en la explicación del despegue educativo, China, Corea del Sur y Finlandia comparten importantes elementos comunes como son el valor dado a la educación, el largo proceso seguido, y la alta prioridad dada a los docentes en múltiples aspectos (formación, profesionalismo, respeto social, remuneración), estamos frente a sociedades, culturas y modelos educativos muy diferentes. En particular, Finlandia difiere mucho del "modelo educativo del Sudeste asiático" - selectivo, estresante, tremendamente competitivo, sostenido por un estilo parental autoritario y exigente con el estudio (Tiger Parents) - que comparten China y Corea del Sur. Veamos.

China (Shanghai, Hong Kong)
Foto: The Star. Weifang No.1 Middle School en Weifang, provincia Shandong, China (2007).

La educación obligatoria en China llega hasta los 15 años de edad y se inicia a temprana edad. Niños de 2-3 años permanecen largas jornadas en instituciones pre-escolares cuya misión fundamental es preparar a los niños para la exigente vida escolar que les espera por delante. Desde corta edad se inician en nociones básicas de lectura y escritura, cálculo y - cada vez más - inglés.

El modelo escolar chino enfatiza la memoria y aplica profusamente pruebas estandarizadas. Los estudiantes viven bajo constante presión no solo por aprobar dichas pruebas sino por ubicarse en los primeros lugares, de lo que dependen sus futuras posibilidades de estudio, trabajo y estatus social. El examen para ingresar a la universidad (gaokao) es exigente y selectivo. China está empeñada en crear una nueva generación de graduados universitarios, en cantidades y con una inversión nunca vistas hasta hoy, habiendo logrado colocarse como líder mundial en producción de PhDs (la calidad es, no obstante, una preocupación creciente: a cada profesor se le encarga supervisar 5.77 candidatos a doctores). 

La calidad de la educación en China varía grandemente entre zonas rurales y urbanas así como según la capacidad económica de cada familia para pagar por servicios suplementarios al sistema escolar público o para optar por escuelas privadas. La ciudad de Shanghai no es representativa de lo que ocurre con la educación en el resto del país. Más de 80% de los estudiantes de secundaria de Shanghai toma clases particulares después de asistir al colegio; la mayoría dedica entre 3 y 5 horas diarias a hacer deberes. En Hong Kong 85% de los estudiantes de secundaria acude a tutores privados. Todo esto pone gran presión no solo sobre los estudiantes sino sobre las familias, y especialmente sobre las madres, uno de cuyos roles sociales asignados es contribuir a asegurar el éxito escolar de los hijos.

La obsesión con el estudio y los puntajes viene teniendo serias consecuencias sobre la salud mental de niños y jóvenes. Los niños chinos tienen niveles altos de depresión; un estudio encontró que 50% de los adolescentes en Hong Kong la padecen. A las altas tasas de suicidio generadas por el estrés y la competencia, se agregan casos de asesinato en los campus universitarios. (Y hasta leemos sobre el ¡envenenamiento a dos niñas pequeñas resultado de la competencia entre dos jardines de infantes!). Mientras que los ránkings internacionales proyectan una imagen envidiable del sistema escolar, la insatisfacción de la sociedad de Hong Kong con su educación es alta, según revelan estudios, encuestas y testimonios. La reforma educativa iniciada en 2013 por el Ministerio de Educación - llamada "reforma verde"  - apuntó a un nuevo marco de evaluación escolar que, entre otros, reduce el uso de pruebas estandarizadas y recurre a otros indicadores.

Corea del Sur

Foto: Wikimedia Commons

Corea del Sur dio un salto espectacular en educación en las últimas décadas. Esto se ha logrado con políticas consistentes y con perseverancia, pero también a un alto costo social. Igual que en China, más tiempo (de enseñanza, de estudio, de deberes) se considera esencial. El sistema escolar tiene un calendario extendido y largas jornadas diarias, seguidas de 3 o más horas de deberes o clases particulares. Se estima que los estudiantes surcoranos estudian 10 horas diarias, 50 horas a la semana, 16 más que en los demás países desarrollados, entre clases regulares y refuerzo escolar. Los profesores son bien remunerados (mejor que en Finlandia) pero trabajan bajo mucho estrés y con grupos numerosos.

Igual que en muchos países asiáticos, un sistema escolar paralelo (shadow education system) opera y crece a la sombra del sistema escolar público: academias privadas (hagwons) que ayudan a hacer las tareas, preparan para las pruebas, refuerzan contenidos escolares (sobre todo matemáticas) o avanzan más allá de lo aprendido en el aula, a fin de que los alumnos-clientes destaquen en su grupo y puedan acceder a universidades prestigiosas, lo que es indispensable para escalar socialmente.

Después del horario escolar, dos de cada tres estudiantes coreanos asisten a estas academias, a menudo hasta tarde en la noche (una ley prohibe a las academias funcionar más allá de las 10 de la noche y antes de las 5 de la madrugada). Sus costos varían mucho, pero son lo suficientemente altos como para filtrar a los estudiantes con menores recursos y obligar a las familias a ahorros y grandes sacrificios económicos. En 2012, según datos de la Municipalidad de Seúl, la capital, 73.5 % de los alumnos de primaria y secundaria en la ciudad recibieron servicios privados suplementarios, con un gasto promedio de US $ 387.87. A nivel nacional, en 2012 los padres de familia gastaron US$17.5 billones en clases particulares para sus hijos.

También aquí, el costo social y psicológico está a la vista. Agotamiento y déficit de sueño afectan a millones de estudiantes. El país que aseguraba tabletas para todos los estudiantes en 2015 tiene una de las tasas más altas de suicidio y depresión adolescente entre los países ricos. El suicidio es la principal causa de muerte entre los jóvenes de 15 a 24 años. El punto culminante de la tensión escolar está alrededor del tercer año de la educación secundaria, que es cuando los estudiantes deben tomar el examen de ingreso a la universidad (suneung).  

Una encuesta realizada por el Institute for Social Development Studies en la Yonsei University de Seúl, divulgada en 2011, reveló que los adolescentes coreanos son los que se sienten más infelices entre los adolescentes de los países de la OCDE. En los resultados de PISA 2012, los alumnos surcoreanos aparecieron como los más infelices de todos los países participantes en la prueba. La alerta nacional llevó al gobierno a plantearse la necesidad de introducir cambios mayores al modelo educativo. Entre otros, la decisón de digitalizar los textos escolares y el plan de estudios, anunciada en 2011, se dio marcha atrás en 2012 al constatar que ni los estudiantes ni los profesores estaban listos para este desafío.


Foto: The Atlantic

Finlandia es un país pequeño (menos de 6 millones de habitantes) ubicado al norte de Europa. En los últimos años, Finlandia ha destacado en los ránkings mundiales referidos no solo a la educación sino a muchos otros ámbitos: desarrollo humano, calidad de vida, equidad de género, cuidado infantil, condiciones para la maternidad, acceso a internet y banda ancha, transparencia, baja corrupción, alta competitvidad internacional, entre otros.

Prácticamente todo el sistema educativo es público y gratuito, desde la educación inicial hasta el fin de la universidad, incluidos costos de transporte, alimentación y refuerzo escolar en la propia institución. Incluso las pocas instituciones privadas son financiadas por el Estado y son gratuitas.

Finlandia promueve la cooperación, no la competencia (entre alumnos, entre profesores, entre instituciones) y da prioridad a la equidad sobre la excelencia (todos los alumnos deben tener igualdad de oportunidades, nadie debe quedarse atrás, "toda escuela, una buena escuela"). El bienestar emocional y mental de los estudiantes - aspecto no contemplado en las evaluaciones de PISA - es tanto o más importante que su rendimiento escolar.

La escolaridad empieza formalmente a los 7 años; hasta esa edad, la prioridad es el juego. Ya en la escuela, la enseñanza se realiza en grupos pequeños (no más de 20 alumnos) y en un ambiente relajado. Se desestimula la memorización y se estimula el pensamiento, la creatividad y la autonomía de alumnos y profesores. El año escolar es uno de los más cortos de los países de la OCDE, al igual que la jornada escolar diaria; el tiempo de recreo es el más largo. Se minimiza los deberes en casa en los primeros años.

No se aplica pruebas estandarizadas, salvo la prueba de fin de la secundaria. Los alumnos son evaluados por sus profesores, en base a su criterio profesional y a pruebas y otros instrumentos que elaboran los propios docentes de aula. Los profesores son evaluados por profesores más experimentados y reciben de ellos feedback. No existe "pago por mérito". No hay supervisores ni inspectores; la sociedad finlandesa confía en el profesionalismo de sus docentes.

Investigaciones y encuestas muestran altos niveles de satisfacción de las familias finlandesas con la educación nacional. 90% de la población confía en el sistema escolar público (en EE.UU. apenas 29%, según la Encuesta Gallup). Aquí algunos datos comparativos que arrojó la Encuesta Global de Padres de Familia (Global Parents' Survey) de la Varkey Foundation en 2018:

- 78% de las familias en Finlandia consideraban que el sistema educativo de su país está preparando bien a sus hijos para el futuro; 72% en el caso de China y 37% en Corea del Sur.

- 3% de las familias en Finlandia consideraban que la calidad de la enseñanza en su país es pobre o muy pobre, y 87% que es buena o muy buena; en el caso de China, 2% consideraba que es pobre o muy pobre y 78% que es buena o muy buena; en Corea del Norte los porcenatjes fueron 5% y 43% respectivamente.

- A nivel global, 55% de las familias que tenían a sus hijos en escuelas públicas dijeron que les enviarían a a una escuela privada si fuera más accesible. 29% de las familias en Finlandia dijeron esto, 80% en China y 48% en Corea del Sur.


¿China, Corea del Sur o Finlandia? Yo no tengo duda. Bajo ningún punto de vista se justifican los niveles de estrés y de competencia a los que puede llevar la carrera por altos puntajes en una prueba o por ubicar a un país en el top de los ránkings escolares. Nada justifica poner a ese punto en riesgo el bienestar físico y mental, e incluso la vida, de niños y jóvenes, y el bienestar general de las familias. Sistemas que alientan este modus operandi no deberían ser modelizados; son modelos educativos que violentan los derechos de la infancia.

Como estudiantes, madres y padres de familia, educadores, ciudadanos, necesitamos continuar defendiendo el derecho a una educación de calidad, en la que calidad no sea sinónimo de martirio, competencia salvaje y cultivo de la selectividad sino sinónimo de aprendizaje significativo y colaborativo, con equidad, con dignidad, con felicidad. 

Para saber más
Over 70 pct of Seoul students receive private education: data, The Korea Herald, 18 April, 2013
Chinese Education: The Truth Behind the Boasts, Bloomberg Businessweek, April 4, 2013.
▸ Informe Semanal: Prohibido fracasar
(video), Televisión Española,, 21 julio 2012.
Así ha escalado la educación en Corea del Sur al podio mundial,, 21 diciembre 2012.
▸ Pasi Sahlberg, How GERM is infecting schools around the world, The Washington Post, 26 June, 2012.
What Americans Keep Ignoring About Finland's School Success, Sir Ken Robinson, The Atlantic, Dec. 29, 2011.
Finlandia: Claves del mejor sistema educativo del mundo (infografía), United Explanations, 26 nov. 2011.
El país que quiere digitalizar sus escuelas para 2015, BBC Mundo, 28 octubre 2011.
▸ Depressed students in South Korea, We don't need quite so much education, The Economist, May 12, 2011.
▸ Pasi Sahlberg, Finnish Lessons, 2011.
Las claves del éxito asiático, El País, 8 dic. 2010.
▸ Mark Bray, Confronting The Shadow Education System. What government policies for what private tutoring, IIEP UNESCO, Paris, 2009.
Should Canada’s schools become more like China’s?, The Star, May 29, 2007.
Cómo hicieron los sistemas educativos con mejor desempeño del mundo para alcanzar sus objetivos, McKinsey Report (PDF), sep. 2007.
▸ Finlandia: el modelo educativo de hoy
, Mariano de Vedia, La Nación, Buenos Aires, 17 sep. 2007.
▸ Mark Bray, Adverse Effects of Private Supplementary Tutoring, IIEP UNESCO, Paris, 2003.
▸ Mark Bray, The shadow education system: private tutoring and its implications for planners, IIEP UNESCO, Paris, 2000 (PDF).

Textos relacionados en OTRAƎDUCACION

El tormento de los deberes

La cantidad de deberes que envían escuelas y colegios - públicos y privados - es verdaderamente irritante, tema de conflicto y hasta de violencia en el hogar y en la escuela y, cada vez más, de protesta por parte de estudiantes y padres de familia en todo el mundo.

A inicios de 2012, la Federación de Consejos de Padres de Alumnos de Francia (FCPE) sorprendió declarándose en huelga de deberes escolares (prohibidos en la escuela primaria, pero muchos profesores siguen enviándolos). La iniciativa francesa fue apoyada, desde España, por la Confederación Española de Padres y Madres de Alumnos (CEAPA). En octubre 2012 el propio presidente francés, François Hollande, decidió abolir los deberes escolares en la escuela primaria, parte de un amplio paquete de reformas educativas en Francia: "Un programa educativo es, por definición, un programa social. El trabajo debería hacerse en la escuela, no en la casa". China, donde la presión escolar ha llegado a niveles insostenibles de depresión y suicidio entre niños, adolescentes y jóvenes, no solo en relación a las pruebas sino también a los deberes, dio una gran sorpresa y una gran lección al mundo al decidir (julio 2013) abolir los deberes para los niños de 6 a 8 años pues "deben tener más tiempo para experimentar la naturaleza y participar en actividades sociales".

En nuestros países, los deberes escolares siguen suscitando, a lo sumo, reclamos domésticos, localizados o en pequeños grupos. Y hay incluso quienes piden más deberes. Son, por lo general, los padres y/o madres de los buenos alumnos, de los "aplicados". O los con un sentido estoico de la vida y, en particular, de la de sus hijos. O padres y madres con vidas complicadas, impotentes frente al tiempo extraescolar de los hijos y/o atormentados por las amenazas que se ciernen sobre ellos dentro y fuera del hogar, incluyendo accidentes, malas compañías, exceso de televisión o de aparatos electrónicos, etc. El razonamiento parece terminar siendo: más vale esclavitud frente a los deberes escolares que libertad en su ausencia. Están también, claro, los padres desinformados y genuinamente contagiados de la ideología escolar, convencidos de que los deberes son alimento para el cerebro y para el espíritu.

En las reuniones escolares suelen saltar las discrepancias entre padres y madres pro-deberes y anti-deberes. Los anti- nos quejamos de la falta de tiempo de los hijos para jugar, compartir en familia, descansar, dormir. Algunos vamos más allá, cuestionando no solo la cantidad sino la calidad de los deberes, su utilidad y relevancia, el por qué ator­men­tar a nuestros hijos con un ritual cotidiano de dudosos rédi­tos cognitivos y académicos, puesto en tela de juicio por numerosos estudios desde hace tiempo (ver: "Ponen en duda el valor de los deberes").

Ministerios de Educación y sistemas escolares, por su parte, suelen insistir en que los deberes son indispensables: prolon­ga­ción del tiempo escolar, refuerzo y aplicación de lo aprendido en clase, desarrollo de hábitos de estudio, etc. En los hechos, sin embargo, el tipo de debe­res que a menudo se envía nada tiene que ver con esta filosofía. Y tampoco el modus operandi: si antes los alumnos copiaban del libro de texto, el diccionario o la enciclopedia en papel, hoy muchos copian de la pantalla, los mismos textos encontrados en los mismos buscadores en Internet, con una simple operación de "copiar y pegar" que evita y ahorra incluso el esfuerzo manual que implicaba la copia de papel a papel.

Escuchamos desde hace tiempo a expertos y decisores de política justificar adicionalmente los deberes como una política compensatoria que favorece a los pobres, al ofrecerles más tiempo de aprendizaje, más repaso, más escuela. No obstante, lejos del propósito "igualador", los deberes suelen convertirse, para los pobres, es una fuente más de padecimiento y discriminación, al no contar con las condiciones mínimas - tiempo, espacio, iluminación, ayudas, recursos - para hacer los deberes fuera del espacio y el tiempo escolares.

Si usted es madre de familia y está más o menos al tanto de la vida escolar de sus hijos, sabrá que hay deberes incomprensibles, mal formulados y muchas veces sin ninguna relación con lo enseñado en clase (ver: "Deberes insólitos"). Somos por lo general las madres quienes asumimos la función de ayudantes escolares (ver: "Escuelas para madres de tiempo completo"), recordando, motivando, colaborando, insistiendo, amenazando, premiando o castigando, cuando no directamente haciendo el deber.

Hay deberes que definitivamente requieren la intervención de una persona adulta y con ella cuenta el sistema escolar, como parte de las obligaciones parentales. Aquí un bre­ve listado de deberes de este tipo, recopilados a partir de mi propia ex­periencia como mamá y de la de amigos cercanos:

▸ cortar un latón en zigzag con tijera especial (cuarto grado)

▸ dibujar el edificio del Banco Central (el papá del niño de ter­cer grado debió llevarlo al mentado edificio un sábado por la mañana y esperar­ allí mientras lo dibu­jaba)

▸ buscar información y folletería sobre la China en la Embajada de China (la mamá de la niñita fue, obviamente, a solicitarla)

▸ traer recortes de autos sacados de revistas (a todos nos ha tocado alguna vez bucear apuradamente en revistas a la caza de algún antojo escolar)

▸ resumir la biografía de algún personaje célebre (si se quiere que el niño o la niña no copien literalmente, hay que ayudarles pues la escuela no enseña a resumir)

▸ llevar la bandera y una moneda de algún país extranjero (mi ami­ga consiguió fácilmente en un banco la moneda, pero le tomó dos días conseguir la bandera)

▸ escribir una composición sobre el tema "Mi país" (el niño de tercer grado no logró pasar de dos líneas, por lo que el padre tuvo que dictarle cinco más, recurriendo a su propia inventiva)

▸ hacer el deber de Castellano con la instrucción "Descomponga la estructura sintáctica de esta oración" (el niño de cuarto grado no entiende la instrucción y acude por tanto a usted para preguntarle qué es descomponga y qué es estructura sintáctica).

Usted debe tener infinidad de ejemplos como estos. Por ello, háganos el favor de ir a la próxima reunión de padres de familia y decir algo al respecto. Sus hijos e hijas se lo agradecerán y usted habrá aportado su grano de arena a la tarea colectiva de hacer de la escuela un lugar mejor sintonizado con los alumnos, con los aprendizajes y con los tiempos.

* Publicado originalmente en la revista Familia del diario El Comercio de Quito, 26/10/1994. Actualizado en 2013.

Textos relacionados en OTRAEDUCACION
Deberes insólitos
- Escuelas para madres de tiempo completo
- La escuela impenetrable a la modernidad

Para saber más:

» Ponen en duda el valor de los deberes (La Nación, 8 abril 2012)
» Francia: Rebelión contra las tareas en casa (El País, 2 abril 2012)
» España: CEAPA denuncia la sobrecarga de deberes escolares en casa (CEAPA, 27 marzo 2012)
» Healthy Homework Guidelines: A New Vision for Homework (video)
» France's Hollande promises pupils ‘no more homework’ (France 24 -International News, 11 Oct. 2012)
» Colombia: Por ley prohibirían a profesores 'dejar tareas' para la casa (El Espectador, 2 Nov. 2012)

Lifelong Learning for the North, Education for All for the South

Rosa-María Torres

Abstract of the presentation at the International Conference on Lifelong Learning “Global Perspectives in Education
(Beijing, China, 1-3 July 2001)

Texto en español: ¿Aprendizaje a lo Largo de la Vida para el Norte y Educación Primaria para el Sur?

This conference was delivered at an event on lifelong learning in China in 2001. Education for All (EFA) had just been expanded for 15 more years, until 2015, and the Millennium Development Goals (MDGs) had just been approved (2000-2015). I had started to promote Lifelong Learning as a paradigm not only for the North ('developed countries') but also for the South ('developing countries'), and was annoyed with the Millennium Development Goals' narrow goal for education - complete primary education (4 years) - at a time when the North was moving towards lifelong learning. Today, MDGs are history; the education goal was not reached worldwide and four years of school proved insufficient, anyway. Today, its successors, the Sustainable Development Goals (2015-2030), want pre-school, primary, secondary, higher, technical, vocational, and lifelong learning for all, in the South and in the North ... So, why am I not happy?

At the beginning of the 21st century we are witnessing an expansion, rather than reduction, of the gap between the North ('developed countries') and the South ('developing countries') in terms of education and learning. 

In the context of the emerging 'Knowledge Society', Lifelong Learning - "from the cradle to the grave" - has been adopted in the North as a key political, societal and educational organizing principle for the  21st century. At the same time, basic education – often narrowly understood as primary education - is prescribed for the South. The deficit ideology behind North-South relationships and aid seems to ignore the heterogeneity of so-called 'developing countries', where high illiteracy rates and low schooling may coexist with sophisticated education, training, research, intellectual production, scientific and technological development.

The World Conference on Education for All – EFA (Jomtien, March 1990) adopted an 'expanded vision' of basic education understood as the foundation for lifelong learning. Such 'expanded vision' comprises children, youth and adults learning in and out of school, and a broad understanding of their basic learning needs. Jomtien’s vision, however, was never translated into practice. EFA international partners themselves – UNESCO, UNICEF, UNDP,  the World Bank and UNFPA - as well as other international agencies did not follow this approach. Education recommendations and policies for 'developing countries' continued to replicate a restricted notion of basic education - focused on children, schooling and primary school - and a restricted notion of basic learning needs where basic ended up being understood as minimum.

The World Education Forum (Dakar, 2000) acknowledged that EFA goals had not been met and extended the deadline until 2015. Jomtien’s goals were ratified but the  'expanded vision' of basic education was no longer central to the overall framework. Primary education became the ceiling in the Millennium Development Goals - MDG adopted in 2000 by the United Nations system, the World Bank, the International Monetary Fund, and the Organization for Economic Cooperation and Development (OECD). The term "Universal primary education" was used to mean completing four years of school ("survival to grade 5" is the indicator for this MDG goal). Furthermore, the emphasis on children shifted to an emphasis on girls in the education agendas of most international agencies. 

The EFA agenda lacks a holistic vision of education and learning, and of the formal school system as such – pre-primary, primary, secondary and tertiary education - in relation to basic education goals and to meeting the basic learning needs of the population. Youth and adult education continue to be viewed as remedial and compensatory, addressed to the poor, and focused on literacy rather than on wider adult basic education. Obviously, this is not the appropriate framework for the development of Lifelong Learning, both in concept and in practice.

Globalization and Knowledge Society for All means Lifelong Learning for All. The North knows it and acknowledges it for its nations. The South must strive for it, fighting against double standards and global inequities, hopefully with the collaboration -- rather than against the will and advice -- of the North and the international community.

Some of these ideas have been developed in other publications by the author:

Lifelong Learning in the South: Critical Issues and Opportunities for Adult Education (ABLE) in the South A study commissioned by Sida (Swedish International Development Agency). Stockholm: Sida, 2002.

▸ "What happened at the World Education Forum?", in: Adult Education and Development, N° 55. Bonn: IIZ-DVV, 2001.

"Knowledge-based international aid: Do we need it, do we want it?", in: Gmelin, W.; King, K.; McGrath, S. (editors), Knowledge, Research and International Cooperation, University of Edinburgh, Centre of African Studies, 2001.

“Cooperación internacional” en educación en América Latina: ¿parte de la solución o parte del problema?, en: Cuadernos de Pedagogía, Nº 308, Barcelona, diciembre 2001. Monográfico sobre “La educación en Latinoamérica”.

▸ "Learning Communities: Re-thinking education from the local level and through learning." Paper presented at the International Symposium on Learning Communities, Barcelona Forum 2004 (Barcelona, 5-6 October 2001).

One Decade of "Education for All": The Challenge Ahead. Buenos Aires: IIPE UNESCO, 2000.

▸ "Improving the Quality of Basic Education? The Strategies of the World Bank", in: Stromquist, N.; Basile, M. (ed.). 1999. Politics of Educational Innovations in Developing Countries, An Analysis of Knowledge and Power. NewYork-London: Falmer Press, 1999.

La educación según el Banco Mundial. Un análisis de sus propuestas y métodos. Buenos Aires: Miño y Dávila / CEM, 1997. (with José Luis Coraggio)

Lifelong Learning: moving beyond Education for All

The Eternal Circle 7 - David Pyatt 

Keynote speech delivered at the Shanghai “International Forum on Lifelong Learning”
at the Shanghai World Expo 2010 (19-21 May 2010)

UNESCO, the Shanghai Municipal People’s Government, the Chinese Society of Educational Development Strategy (CSEDS) and the Chinese National Commission for UNESCO.

Included in the book
Conceptual evolution and policy developments in lifelong learning, UIL-UNESCO, 2011 (PDF)


Over the past two decades, the world has experienced profound changes. A rapid globalisation process has resulted in a highly connected world, with economic and political power more concentrated than ever. Many old structural problems have further deteriorated or become more evident to public awareness, while new ones have emerged. Technology has undergone impressive leaps, bringing with it new possibilities as well as new threats. All these developments have major consequences on people’s lives around the world, as well as on education and learning systems.

However, the education field continues to revolve around the traditional “education reform” mentality. More money and resources devoted to doing basically more of the same. Top-down policies and measures. “Improving the quality of education” instead of revisiting it. Quantities predominating over qualities. Education understood mainly or solely as school education. Access, retention and completion rates as main (school) education indicators. Tests aimed at evaluating how much information students are able to digest and retrieve. Weak attention to learning, easily confused with testing and school achievement. Overburdened curricula attempting to capture as much content as possible. And so on and so forth.

All this is apparent not only at the national but also at the international level. World platforms such as Education for All (EFA), coordinated by UNESCO, are not tuned with LIfelong Learning (LLL) the new emerging paradigm, adopted over the past few years by many countries in the North, especially in Europe, and promoted by many international agencies, UNESCO being one of them.

We focus here on the relationship between EFA and LLL, and argue in favour of revisiting EFA in order to better adjust it to the lifelong learning paradigm and to the changes experienced by the world since 1990, when EFA was initiated worldwide.

Education for All (EFA) – far from Lifelong Learning

The Education for All (EFA) world initiative was launched in 1990 (Jomtien, Thailand) and ratified in 2000 (Dakar, Senegal). In Dakar, a new deadline was established (2015) given the fact that the six EFA goals were not accomplished 2000 (Torres, 2000). The goals remained six but were slightly modified (Box 1).

Box 1
Education for All goals (1990-2000-2015)

Jomtien: 1990-2000
Dakar: 2000-2015
1. Expansion of early childhood care and development activities, including family and community interventions, especially for poor, disadvantaged and disabled children.
1. Expanding and improving comprehensive early childhood care and education, especially for the most vulnerable and disadvantaged children.
2. Universal access to, and completion of, primary education (or whatever higher level of education is considered as “basic”) by the year 2000.

2. Ensuring that by 2015 all children, particularly girls, children in difficult circumstances and those belonging to ethnic minorities, have access to and complete free and compulsory primary education of good quality.
3. Improvement in learning achievement such that an agreed percentage of an appropriate age cohort (e.g. 80% of 14 year olds) attains or surpasses a defined level of necessary learning achievement.
3. Ensuring that the learning needs of all young people and adults are met through equitable access to appropriate learning and life skills programmes.
4. Reduction in the adult illiteracy rate (the appropriate age cohort to be determined in each country) to, say, one-half its 1990 level by the year 2000, with sufficient emphasis on female literacy to significantly reduce the current disparity between the male and female illiteracy rates.
4. Achieving a 50 per cent improvement in levels of adult literacy by 2015, especially for women, and equitable access to basic and continuing education for all adults.
5. Expansion of provision of basic education and training in other essential skills required by youth and adults, with programme effectiveness assessed in terms of  behavioural changes and impacts on health, employment and productivity.
5. Eliminating gender disparities in primary and secondary education by 2015, with a focus on ensuring girls’ full and equal access to and achievement in basic education of good quality.
6. Increased acquisition by individuals and families of the knowledge, skills and values required for better living and sound and sustainable development, made available through all educational channels including the mass media, other forms of modern and traditional communication, and social action, with effectiveness assessed in terms of behavioural change.
6. Improving all aspects of the quality of education and ensuring excellence of all so that recognised and measurable learning outcomes are achieved by all, especially in literacy, numeracy and essential life skills.

Sources: WCEFA 2000a,b,c; EFA Forum 2000; UNESCO-EFA International Coordination ; Ten things you need to know about Education for All 

EFA goals replicate the conventional education mentality and do not facilitate a holistic understanding of education and of learning throughout life. This is because, among reasons,

EFA goals are a list. Each goal is treated and measured separately. The linkages between them are not apparent (eg, between child and adult education, school and out-of-school education, and so on). EFA’s traditional and ongoing focus on Goal 2 – children’s primary education – reflects and replicates the false historical “option” between child and adult education, and the neglect of early childhood care and education, despite well-known rhetoric on the subject. In fact, the EFA Development Index (EDI), created in 2003 to monitor EFA developments in countries, includes only four EFA goals, leaving out Goal 1 (early childhood care and education) and Goal 3 (youth/adult basic education).

▸ EFA goals are organised by age – early childhood (Goal 1), school age (Goal 2), youth and adults (Goals 3 and 4), in the Dakar list – without articulation between them. Learners’ segmentation according to age reflects the conventional education mentality that is behind the segmentation of education policies, goals and institutions. Focus on age contributes to losing sight of social learning organisations like the family and the community, and has institutionalised the false “option” between children’s education and adult education, whereby children and adults have to compete for their right to education, especially in circumstances of multiple needs and scarce resources such as those that characterise countries in the South (Torres, 2003). EFA Goal 6 formulated in Jomtien in 1990, which referred to family education and public information (“Increased acquisition by individuals and families of the knowledge, skills and values required for better living and sound and sustainable development…”) was eliminated in Dakar in 2000.

▸ EFA goals adhere to the conventional formal/non-formal dichotomy, leaving out informal learning, fundamental and expanding throughout the world given among others the expansion of life and of modern information and communication technologies (ICTs). The three-tier category (formal/non-formal/informal education) long used in the education field shows the centrality of formal education, with all other categories defined as non- or in-. In fact, the revised International Standard Classification of Education (ISCED 1997) does not include informal education, currently acknowledged as informal learning (incidental or random learning) given the absence of an organised education activity (Box 2).

▸ EFA goals continue to view literacy in isolation, as a separate area and goal, without acknowledging that literacy is a basic learning need of the population and thus part of basic education 

▸ EFA goals adopt “basic education” as the main organising concept – not lifelong learning. The Jomtien conference spoke of an “expanded vision of basic education”, an education aimed at “meeting the basic learning needs of the population”, in and out of the school system. However, the mission of education is not only meeting basic learning needs, but also expanding them and generating new learning needs along the process. (Torres, 2003). [1]

Box 2

Education: Formal and non-formal

: “Within the framework of ISCED, the term education is taken to comprise all deliberate and systematic activities designed to meet learning needs. This includes what in some countries is referred to as cultural activities or training. Whatever the name given to it, education is understood to involve organized and sustained communication designed to bring about learning. The key words in this formulation are to be understood as follows:
- COMMUNICATION: a relationship between two or more persons involving the transfer of information (messages, ideas, knowledge, strategies, etc.). Communication may be verbal or non-verbal, direct/face-to-face or indirect/remote, and may involve a wide variety of channels and media.
- LEARNING: any improvement in behaviour, information, knowledge, understanding, attitude, values or skills.
- ORGANIZED: planned in a pattern or sequence with explicit or implicit aims. It involves a providing agency (person or persons or body) that sets up the learning environment and a method of teaching through which the communication is organized. The method is typically someone who is engaged in communicating or releasing knowledge and skills with a view to bringing about learning, but it can also be indirect/inanimate e.g. a piece of computer software, a film, or tape, etc.
- SUSTAINED: intended to mean that the learning experience has the elements of duration and continuity. No minimum duration is stipulated, but appropriate minima will be stated in the operational manual.

education (or initial education or regular school and university education): “Education provided in the system of schools, colleges, universities and other formal educational institutions that normally constitutes a continuous ‘ladder’ of full-time education for children and young people, generally beginning at age five to seven and continuing up to 20 or 25 years old. In some countries, the upper parts of this ‘ladder’ are constituted by organized programmes of joint part-time employment and part-time participation in the regular school and university system: such programmes have come to be known as the ‘dual system’ or equivalent terms in these countries.

Non-formal education
: “Any organized and sustained educational activities that do not correspond exactly to the above definition of formal education. Non-formal education may therefore take place both within and outside educational institutions, and cater to persons of all ages. Depending on country contexts, it may cover educational programmes to impart adult literacy, basic education for out-of-school children, life-skills, work-skills, and general culture. Non-formal education programmes do not necessarily follow the ‘ladder’ system, and may have differing duration”.

“Education, for the purposes of ISCED, excludes communication that is not designed to bring about learning. It also excludes various forms of learning that are not organized. Thus, while all education involves learning, many forms of learning are not regarded as education. For example, incidental or random learning which occurs as a by-product of another event, such as something that crystallizes during the course of a meeting, is excluded because it is not organized i.e. does not result from a planned intervention designed to bring about learning.”

Source: UNESCO, Standard Classification of Education (ISCED 1997)  

From education to learning and from lifelong education to lifelong learning

The shift of focus from education to learning, and from lifelong education to lifelong learning, has been on the table at least since the 1970s.[2] However, and although learning has in fact become a much repeated word, with a multitude of labels[3], disregard for effective learning continues as well the long-entrenched confusion between education and learning.[4] It is generally assumed that learningis always the result of some sort of teaching, and that teaching results automatically in learning.

The Fifth International Conference on Adult Education (CONFINTEA V), held in Hamburg in 1997, called for such transit, ending up with the Hamburg Declaration on Adult Learning.

However, few understood and adopted such change of focus in the 12 years between CONFINTEA V and CONFINTEA VI (Belém, Brazil, December 2009). (Torres, 2009) 

Lifelong Learning and the right to education

Lifelong learning is activated today as the key organising principle for education and training systems, and for the building of the “knowledge society”.

Lifelong learning acknowledges essentially two inter-related facts: (a) learning is lifelong (not confined to a particular period in life, “from the womb to the tomb”); and (b) learning is lifewide (not confined to school but taking place everywhere: home, community, playground, workplace, sports yard, mass media, through play, conversation, debate, reading, writing, teaching, problem solving, social participation, social service, travel, use of ICTs, and so on).

On the other hand, one can relate the “emphasis on learning” to two different dimensions:
- ensuring that education (formal or non-formal) results in effective learning
- ensuring relevant learning opportunities beyond the school system

Thus, the right to education can no longer be understood as the right to access the school system (and eventually complete a certain number of years of schooling). The right to education implies essentially the right to learn and to learn throughout life. The state has an obligation to ensure equal learning opportunities for all, within and beyond the school system, at all ages.

Lifelong learning can be related to various concepts:

· Learning throughout life
· Learning to live
· Life is the curriculum
· Learning to learn
· Learning families
· Learning communities
· Learning societies.

Advances in neuroscience research are contributing to a better understanding of learning, and of learning throughout life, at various ages and stages. The belief that learning occurs and can occur at any age is confirmed by such research, thus providing scientific support to the claim that school age should not be confused with learning age. Now we know that the brain is mature between the mid-20s and the 30s, and that the mature brain can focus better and is capable of deeper and more complex learning. Also, the adult brain is capable of learning new tasks and being shaped by new experiences. Cognitive decline with age is avoidable if the brain is kept active, curious, in a permanent state of learning. [5]

What Lifelong learning is NOT

Lifelong Learning is not only about adults – as many people and organisations continue to use it. Lifelong Learning is not equivalent to adult education or adult learning; it is lifelong, “from the womb to the tomb”, thus embracing children, youth and adults across the life span. Curiously, some countries in Latin American and the Caribbean that have adopted the Lifelong Learning terminology include it as an additional category or section within Ministries of Education or other ministries, as if it were separate from the rest (Torres, 2009). UNESCO itself has contributed to such confusions. The former UNESCO Institute for Education (UIE), based in Hamburg, traditionally devoted to adult education and responsible for organising the International Conference on Adult Education (CONFINTEA), was renamed UNESCO Institute for Lifelong Learning (UIL). EFA goal 3 – “Ensuring that the learning needs of all young people and adults are met through equitable access to appropriate learning and life-skills programmes” – is the only one labelled “lifelong learning” in UNESCO’s documents and website.

The LIfelong Learning paradigm has so had far little impact in countries in the South. Many countries, especially in Africa and Asia, are still struggling with access and the completion of children’s primary education and high adult illiteracy rates. Most of them struggle with quality issues at all levels of the education system. Generally, education continues to be associated with school education, and learning with school assessment. The picture of learning within and outside the school system is still distant and considered a luxury for many governments, social organisations and international agencies engaged with education in the South. International platforms such as EFA and the Millennium Development Goals (MDGs) contribute in fact to the reinforcement of such trends.

There are also legitimate concerns vis-à-vis the Lifelong Learning paradigm as adopted and developed by countries in the North, mainly as a strategy for human resource development. Many fear that Lifelong Learning and its “focus on learning” may be a way to further neglect teaching and teachers, and to disengage governments from their commitment to ensure the right to education, by leaving learning in the hands of people, as their own individual responsibility. However, lifelong learning does not need to be reduced to an economic strategy; it does not imply abandoning teaching but rather strengthening it and acknowledging educators’ own learning needs; it does not have to be associated with individual learning, but as the possibility to combine social and personal learning in different contexts and moments; and it does not have to conflict with the right to education. On the contrary, the right to education expands beyond access and becomes the right to learn.

It is true that Lifelong Learning is an agenda proposed and adopted by countries in the North, whose contexts and perspectives differ considerably from those in the South. Thus there is the need to define Lifelong Learning from the perspective of the South, and of the diversity of situations and cultures characterising each region and country.

Lifelong Learning: Building learning families, learning communities and learning societies

Adopting Lifelong Learning as a paradigm is not just about introducing minor adjustments to education structures, systems and policies. It implies a major revolution of traditional education and learning cultures: 

▸ revisit the school-centred education culture that continues to view the school as the only education and learning system
▸ acknowledge and articulate the various learning systems, to ensure necessary coordination and synergy at both local and national level
▸ understand education/training, face-to-face/distance, formal/non-formal/informal as part of a continuum
▸ ensure effective learning within the school system, beyond tests measuring “school achievement”
▸ recognise previous knowledge and know-how as a key transectoral component of education and training policies
▸ rethink age as a central factor to organise education/training systems and opportunities
▸ abandon prejudices about age and learning, open up to new scientific evidence confirming that learning is an ageless endeavour
▸ accept literacy as a lifelong learning process rather than as a learning period
▸ go beyond the book as the single reading object that continues to define “reading habits”, and accept the wide variety that today characterises the reading world
▸ incorporate the screen as a new reading and writing device for all ages
▸ promote and support peer- and inter-generational learning at home, in school, at the community, at work, everywhere.
▸ envisage education and learning beyond classrooms and closed spaces, while ensuring outdoors learning, contact with nature, people, real-life situations
▸ combine all means and media available to make learning happen, through multimedia strategies
▸ acknowledge the importance not only of “modern” technologies but also of “traditional” ones massively available and still poorly utilised (radio, TV, blackboard, tape recorders, and others)
▸ take advantage of distance education/learning opportunities, through all available means, better if combined with face-to-face contact
▸ diversify policies and strategies to accommodate the specific needs and desires of specific communities, groups and individuals
▸ think education and learning not only in terms of isolated individuals who contribute to statistics, but also in social terms (groups, communities, networks, organisations)
▸ build learning families, with the help of specific policies and strategies aimed at enhancing the cultural and educational capital of the family as a whole
▸ build learning communities, in urban and rural areas, so that all members – children, young people, adults – are engaged in learning activities, and all local resources are utilised, with community and local development in mind
▸ work towards a culture of collaboration that promotes collective access to, and use of, resources, rather than “each one have one” (each school a library, each student a computer, each person a cell phone, and so on).

The real challenge is building a learning society – families, communities and societies that learn – a goal far more complex, democratic and egalitarian than building an information society.

Effectively adopting Lifelong Learning as a paradigm implies a major shift for education and learning cultures.

Commission of the European Communities. 2000. A Memorandum on Lifelong Learning. Brussels: Commission Staff Working Paper.
Dave, R.H. (dir.).1976. Foundations of Lifelong Education. Hamburg: UIE-UNESCO.
Delors, J. et. al. 1996. Learning: The Treasure Within. Report to UNESCO of the International Commission on Education for the Twenty-First Century. Paris: UNESCO.
EFA Forum. 2000. The Dakar Framework for Action, World Education Forum (Dakar, 26-28 April, 2000). Paris: UNESCO.
  Faure, E. 1973. Learning to Be. Paris: UNESCO.
Torres, R.M. 2000. One decade of ‘Education for All’: The challenge ahead. Buenos Aires: IIPE-UNESCO.
Torres, R.M. 2001a. “Lifelong Learning in the North, Education for All in the South?”, in: Proceeding, International Conference on Lifelong Learning: Global Perspective in Education (Beijing, 1-3 July 2001). Beijing: BAES.
Torres, R.M. 2001b.  “What happened at the World Education Forum?”, in: Adult Education and Development, N° 55. Bonn: IIZ-DVV, 2001.
Torres, R.M. 2001c. Learning Community: Re-thinking Education for Local Development and for Learning. Paper presented at the International Symposium on Learning Communities, Barcelona Forum, Barcelona, 5-6 October, 2001.
Torres, Rosa Maria. 2003. Lifelong Learning: A new momentum and a new opportunity for Adult Basic Learning and Education (ABLE) in the South. A study commissioned by the Swedish International Development Agency. Stockholm: Sida, 2003; Bonn: IIZ-DVV, 2003.
Torres, Rosa Maria. 2009. From literacy to lifelong learning: Trends, issues and challenges of youth and adult education in Latin America and the Caribbean. Regional report prepared for the Sixth International Conference on Adult Education, Belém, Brazil, 19-22 May, 2009. Commissioned by the UNESCO Institute for Lifelong Learning (UIL) with the financial support of CREFAL
UIE-UNESCO. 1997b. CONFINTEA V documents. The Hamburg Declaration on Adult Learning, Hamburg, 1997.
UIL-UNESCO. 2009. 6th International Conference on Adult Education, Living and Learning for a Viable Future: The Power of Adult Learning (Belém, 1-4 December 2009) 
UNESCO. 1997. Standard Classification of Education (ISCED 1997) 
UNESCO. 2000a. World Education Report 2000. The right to education: Towards education for all throughout life. Paris.
UNESCO. 2000b. Final Report. World Education Forum (Dakar, 26-28 April 2000). Paris.
UNESCO. 2000c. The Dakar Framework for Action “Education for All: Meeting Our Collective Commitments”, World Education Forum (Dakar, 26-28 April 2000). Paris.
WCEFA (World Conference on Education for All/Inter-Agency Commission). 1990a. Meeting Basic Learning Needs: A Vision for the 1990s, Background Document, World Conference on Education for All. New York.
WCEFA. 1990b. World Declaration on Education for All and Framework for Action to Meet Basic Learning Needs (Jomtien, Thailand, 5-9 March 1990). New York-Paris.
WCEFA. 1990c. Final Report, World Conference on Education for All (Jomtien, Thailand, 5-9 March 1990). New York: UNICEF.

[1] The term basic education is understood in diverse ways. Officially, according to UNESCO’s International Standard Classification of Education (ISCED 1997), basic education comprises primary education and lower secondary education. In Jomtien (2000), basic education was defined as “education aimed at meeting the basic learning needs” of all, in and out of school (WCEFA 1990). For the OECD-DAC and standard aid classifications basic education includes early childhood education, primary education, and basic life skills for youths and adults, including literacy (Glossary, EFA Global Monitoring Report 2010).[2] See: Faure 1973; Dave 1976; Delors et. al. 1996; Commission of the European Commission 2000. [3] A few such denominations: distance learning, online learning, active learning, blended learning, distributed learning, synchronous learning, self-paced learning, self-directed learning, cooperative learning, collaborative learning, social learning, open learning, informal learning, lifelong learning, invisible learning, iLearning, fLearning, etc.
[4] Translation problems further reveal and exacerbate the lack of distinction between the two concepts. A few examples: a) the Delors report entitled “Learning, the Treasure within” (1996) was translated into Spanish as “La educación encierra un tesoro”;  b) the “Hamburg Declaration on Adult Learning” (1997) was translated into Spanish as “Declaración de Hamburgo sobre la Educación de Adultos”: c) the 1st World Forum on Lifelong Learning organized by a Lifelong Learning Committee (Paris, October 2008) was translated into Spanish as Foro Mundial para la Educación y la Formación a lo largo de la vida and into French as Forum Mondial pour l'Education et la Formation Tout au Long de la Vie
See for example:* Dave Snowden’s Cognitive Edge
* UCL -Institute of Cognitive Neuroscience 
- Ability to concentrate improves during adolescence  (2010)
* Plos Biology: Axonal Dynamics of Excitatory and Inhibitory Neurons in Somatosensory Cortex (2010) 
* The Rockefeller University Newswire: New research shows how experience shapes the brain’s circuitry (2010)

* Neurociencias 

This text is included in a book organized by UIL-UNESCO with the seminar proceedings. See: Jin Yang and Raúl Valdés-Cotera (eds.), Conceptual evolution and policy developments in lifelong learning, UIL, Hamburg, 2011.

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