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Mostrando entradas con la etiqueta Bangladesh. Mostrar todas las entradas

Los Laureados con el Premio WISE a la Educación

Rosa María Torres

(Text in English: WISE Prize for Education Laureates: Bottom-up Innovators

Sir Fazle Hasan Abed
, BRAC, Bangladesh, Premio WISE 2011

"El Premio WISE a la Educación es la primera distinción en su clase en reconocer a una persona o a un equipo de hasta seis personas, por una contribución destacada a la educación en el mundo. Establecido en 2011 por Su Excelencia Sheikha Moza bint Nasser, Presidenta de la Fundación Qatar, el Premio fija su estándar de excelencia en educación, confiriéndole el mismo estatus que otras áreas para las cuales existen premios, tales como literatura, paz y economía. Los Laureados reciben un premio monetario de USD 500,000 y una medalla de oro. El Laureado con el Premio es considerado un modelo y un embajador de la educación a nivel global." (Nuestra traducción del original en inglés).

¿Cuáles son las innovaciones educativas que llaman la atención de la comunidad educativa global en el momento actual? Los cuatro primeros ganadores del Premio WISE a la Educación (2011, 2012, 2013, 2014) y sus respectivos programas comparten varias características. Una de ellas: son innovadores e innovaciones de abajo hacia arriba, que empezaron pequeñas y locales, se hicieron nacionales y luego se han expandido a nivel internacional a lo largo de un período sostenido de tiempo. Mi conocimiento personal de dos de estos programas - BRAC y Escuela Nueva - a través de visitas, investigación y seguimiento por varios años, me permite un mejor acercamiento a la naturaleza y al proceso seguido por estos modelos educativos. 

BRAC - Bangladesh
El Premio WISE 2011 a la Educación fue otorgado a Sir Fazle Hasan Abed, fundador y director de BRAC, "la organización de desarrollo más grande del mundo".

Creada en 1972 en una aldea rural remota, BRAC (Bangladesh Rural Advancement Committee- Comité Bangladeshi para el Desarrollo Rural) llega hoy a cerca de 135 millones de personas en 11 países en Asia y Africa, así como en Haití, en el Caribe. 

BRAC es una ONG vinculada no únicamente a la educación. Su enfoque holístico y multifacético de desarrollo abarca varias áreas y temas: microfinanzas, educación, servicios de salud, servicios legales, empoderamiento comunitario, y empresas sociales. La educación ha sido un área clave y muy exitosa.

Las llamadas Escuelas Primarias No-Formales del BRAC, que se hicieron internacionalmente famosas en los 1990s, se han expandido como un modelo viable y replicable de educación primaria. En todos estos años, BRAC ha desarrollado un sistema educativo completo, que incluye hoy la Universidad BRAC.

WISE Jury and Committee

Pratham - India
El Premio WISE 2012 a la Educación fue otorgado al Dr. Madhav Chavan, co-fundador y director de Pratham, la ONG más grande de la India dedicada a la educación.
La misión de Pratham se resume como "Cada niño en la escuela y aprendiendo bien". Fue creada en 1994 para asegurar educación pre-escolar a niños que viven en tugurios de Mumbai. Voluntarios comunitarios fueron reclutados, capacitados, provistos de materiales de enseñanza, y alentados a organizar clases en cualquier espacio disponible en la comunidad (templos, oficinas, domicilios particulares, etc.). Pratham Balwadis (clases de pre-escolar) se multiplicaron en otras localidades.

Hoy, Pratham llega a millones de niños y niñas en áreas rurales y urbanas en 19 de los 28 estados del país, con desarrollo infantil, apoyo escolar para niños dentro y fuera de la escuela, reinserción de niños en el sistema escolar, clases de computación, capacitación vocacional para jóvenes y programas especiales para niños trabajadores y vulnerables. En 2002-2003, Pratham adoptó un enfoque de área (intervención en toda la comunidad).

La Técnica Aprender a Leer (L2R) de Pratham es una técnica de aprendizaje acelerado destinada a enseñar a leer en 4-8 semanas a niños tanto dentro como fuera de la escuela. El Informe Anual de Estado del Arte de la Educación (Annual Status of Education Report - ASER), facilitado por Pratham, es la encuesta más grande realizada en la India por personas externas al gobierno. Registra matrícula así como niveles de lectura y artitmética en niños de 6 a 14 años.   

WISE Jury and Committee

Escuela Nueva - Colombia

El Premio WISE 2013 a la Educación fue otorgado a Vicky Colbert, fundadora y directora de la Fundación Escuela Nueva, y co-creadora (junto con el profesor Oscar Mogollón) del modelo Escuela Nueva (EN). EN se inició como proyecto local en 1975 (inspirada en la Escuela Unitaria de la UNESCO), cubriendo algunas escuelas públicas en áreas rurales, y pasando luego a ser un programa regular dentro del Ministerio de Educación de Colombia.

En 1985, EN fue adoptada por el gobierno colombiano como política nacional para universalizar la educación primaria en las áreas rurales.  EN ha mostrado que la escuela multigrado o unidocente (uno o dos profesores a cargo de todos los alumnos y niveles en una sola aula de clase), si se le dan condiciones apropiadas y es tratada como sistema multigrado, puede convertirse en una alternativa de calidad antes que en una "solución temporaria para los pobres".

De hecho: Colombia ha sido el único país en América Latina en que los estudiantes en áreas rurales han logrado mejores resultados escolares que en las areas urbanas, según las pruebas aplicadas por el Laboratorio Latinoamericano de Evaluación de la Calidad de la Educación (LLECE) coordinado por la oficina regional de la UNESCO. EN también ha mostrado que, incluso con muchos problemas y altibajos, es posible desarrollar una innovación significativa dentro de las estructuras gubernamentales y de la educación formal.

La Fundación Escuela Nueva fue creada en 1987 a fin de ayudar a fortalecer el programa, adaptarlo a las áreas urbanas, y expandirlo fuera de Colombia (el modelo EN se ha experimentado en 16 países). A lo largo de los años, EN ha recibido numerosos premios internacionales, incluido un Premio WISE en 2009.

WISE Jury and Committee

CAMFED - Zimbabwe, Zambia, Ghana, Tanzania y Malawi
El Premio WISE 2014 a la Educación fue otorgado a Ann Cotton, ciudadana británica fundadora de CAMFED.
"Cuando se educa a una niña en Africa, todo cambia. Ella tendrá tres veces menos posibilidades de adquirir VIH/SIDA, ganará 25 por ciento más y tendrá una familia más pequeña y saludable".
Camfed es una organización internacional sin fines de lucro que trabaja en las comunidades rurales más pobres de Africa SubSahariana. Se propone romper con el círculo vicioso de la pobreza y la enfermedad en zonas rurales, apoyando a las niñas para que vayan a la escuela y tengan éxito en ella, y empoderando a mujeres jóvenes para que puedan convertirse en agentes y líderes de cambio.

Desde 1993, Camfed trabaja en Zimbabwe, Zambia, Ghana, Tanzania y Malawi apoyando a más de 1.202.000 estudiantes para que asistan a educación primaria y secundaria. Más de 3 millones de niñas se han beneficiado del programa. Las niñas son seleccionadas por la comunidad, de entre las más necesitadas. Camfed las apoya a lo largo de su desarrollo, desde la escuela primaria hasta la vida adulta.

En cada país, Camfed trabaja a través de los sistemas nacionales y locales - con padres de familia, profesores, autoridades del gobierno y autoridades tradicionales. No crea un sistema paralelo. Los programas son pensados, administrados y monitoreados por la comunidad, y en todas las oficinas de Camfed en Africa el personal es nacional de cada país. 

La Asociación de Alumnas de Camfed (Camfed Alumnae Association - CAMA) es hoy una red pan-Africana con a 24.436-miembros. Ellas reciben capacitación en salud, finanzas y manejo de tecnologías, así como en desarrollo de negocios y emprendimiento. A su vez, ellas ayudan a niñas vulnerables para que permanezcan en la escuela, y enseñan salud y finanzas a más de 150.000 estudiantes y miembros de la comunidad en sus respectivos países. Los valores de Camfed son: 1. Foco en la niña, 2. Involucrar a la comunidad, y 3. Operar programas transparentes y responsables. El modelo de Camfed ha sido reconocido como buena práctica por la OCDE, por establecer estándares de gobernanza, sustentatbilidad y desarrollo en una innovación a escala.

WISE Jury and Committee

¿Qué tienen en común estos programas educativos? 

Dos de ellos están en Asia, en dos de los "países más populosos del mundo", donde los problemas educativos son masivos y extremadaente complejos. Otro está en América Latina, en la comparativamente pequeña Colombia, conocida por su historia de violencia, inequidad social y conflicto. Otro en Africa Sub-Sahariana (Zimbabwe, Zambia, Ghana, Tanzania y Malawi), posiblemente la subregión con más desafíos sociales y educativos en el mundo. Todos ellos "países en desarrollo" muy diferentes, cada uno de ellos único y muy específico dentro de su propia región. 

Los cuatro programas: 

» Tienen una larga historia y un largo proceso detrás
: BRAC se inició en 1972, Escuela Nueva en 1975, Camfed en 1993, Pratham en 1994.

» Empezaron como proyectos locales y pequeños antes de expandirse y convertirse en modelos nacionales y luego internacionales. El enfoque de abajo hacia arriba, junto al esfuerzo de largo plazo, han sido claves en su éxito y sustentabilidad.

» Emergieron como alternativas educativas para los pobres y para algunos de los grupos más desaventajados en sus respectivas sociedades. BRAC, Escuela Nueva y Camfed echaron raíces en las zonas rurales. Sus modelos fueron diseñados para las condiciones específicas de las áreas rurales.

» Sirven a la infancia, con escuela primaria en BRAC y Escuela Nueva, desarrollo infantil y educación inicial en Pratham, y educación primaria y secundaria en Camfed. BRAC empezó centrándose en las niñas, dada la gran brecha de género en la matrícula y la asistencia a la educación primaria en Bangladesh en ese momento. Camfed se centra en niñas y mujeres jóvenes.

» Se expandieron gradualmente
más allá de sus visiones, misiones y alcances originales, prestando atención a las necesidades mostradas por la realidad y por el propio proceso de aprendizaje. Se aventuraron en nuevos campos, cubrieron otras edades y niveles. Todos ellos tienen clara la importancia de involucrar a los padres de familia, a las familias y a las comunidades, y han trabajado consistentemente en esa dirección.

» Se centran en asegurar lo básico:
lectura, escritura y cálculo, supervivencia, habilidades sociales y para la vida, empoderamiento familiar y comunitario.

» Dan gran importancia a la pedagogía y a la transformación pedagógica,
mucho más que a la infraestructura, la administración o las tecnologías.

Han sido desarrollados por ONGs, a excepción de Escuela Nueva, que fue desarrollada dentro de las estructuras del Ministerio de Educación. En este caso, la ONG ha jugado un papel fundamental de acompañamiento, sostenimiento y promoción de la innovación. Camfed es una ONG internacional.

» Bajo costo:
Aprovechan las ventajas de todos los recursos humanos y materiales disponibles en la escuela, en la familia y en la comunidad. 

» Han recibido apoyo de varias agencias internacionales, especialmente de las Naciones Unidas, así como del Banco Mundial y otros bancos y organismos regionales. También del sector privado.

Han recibido gran reconocimiento tanto a nivel nacional como internacional.

» Tienen un perfil tecnológico bajo. Las tecnologías no son el factor clave. Las personas, la participación, el voluntariado, la relación escuela-comunidad, y la transformación pedagógica están en el centro. 

Ver en este blog
Rosa María Torres and Manzoor Ahmed, Reaching the Unreached: Non-formal Approaches and Universal Primary Education 
Rosa María Torres, Alternativas dentro de la educación formal: El Programa Escuela Nueva de Colombia
Rosa María Torres, "Antes, aquí era Escuela Vieja" (Colombia)
Rosa María Torres, On Innovation and Change in Education 
Rosa María Torres, Un día en la vida de un niño rural (Colombia)
Rosa María Torres, Escuela multigrado, ¿escuela de segunda?  
Rosa María Torres, Educación de las niñas: Lecciones del BRAC (Bangladesh)

WISE Prize for Education Laureates: Bottom-up Innovators

Rosa María Torres

(Texto en español: Los Laureados con el Premio WISE a la Educación)

2011 WISE Prize for Education Laureate: Sir Fazle Hasan Abed (Bangladesh)
2012 WISE Prize Laureate: Dr. Madhav Chavan (India). Interview

2013 WISE Prize for Education Laureate:
Vicky Colbert (Colombia). Interview

2014 WISE Prize for Education Laureate: Ann Cotton (UK). Interview

"The WISE Prize for Education is the first distinction of its kind to recognize an individual or a team of up to six people working together for an outstanding, world-class contribution to education. Established in 2011 by Her Highness Sheikha Moza bint Nasser, Chairperson of Qatar Foundation, the WISE Prize for Education sets the standard for excellence in education, giving it similar status to other areas for which international prizes already exist, such as literature, peace and economics. The Laureate receives a monetary prize of $500,000 (US) and a gold medal. The WISE Prize for Education Laureate is honored as a global role model and ambassador for education."

What are the educational innovations that draw the attention of the global education community? The first four winners of the WISE Prize for Education (2011, 2012, 2013, 2014) and their respective education programs share several common characteristics. One of them: they are bottom-up innovators and innovations, that have started small and local, have become national and later expanded internationally over a long and sustained period of time. My personal knowledge of two of them, BRAC and Escuela Nueva, through study visits, research and follow up over many years, provides some insights into the specific nature and process of these inspiring educational models and experiences.  

BRAC - Bangladesh
The 2011 WISE Prize for Education was awarded to Sir Fazle Hasan Abed, Founder and Chairman of BRAC, "the largest development organization in the world." Created in 1972 in a remote rural village, BRAC (Bangladesh Rural Advancement Committee) reaches today nearly 135 million people in 11 countries in Asia and Africa, and also in Haiti in the Caribbean. BRAC is not only an education-related NGO. Its holistic and multifaceted approach to development covers various areas and issues: microfinance, education, healthcare, legal services, community empowerment, and social enterprises. Education has been one of its key and most successful areas. So-called BRAC Non-Formal Primary Schools, which became internationally renowned in the 1990s, have spread as a viable and replicable primary school model. Starting with ver modest primary schools, BRAC has developed a whole education system, that includes today BRAC University.

WISE Jury and Committee

Pratham - India
The 2012 WISE Prize for Education was awarded to Dr. Madhav Chavan, Co-founder and CEO of Pratham, the largest education NGO in India. Pratham's mission is "Every child in school and learning well". It was created in 1994 to provide pre-school education to children living in the slums of Mumbai. Community volunteers were recruited, trained, provided basic teaching-learning materials, and encouraged to organize classes in any space available in the communities (temples, offices, people’s houses, etc.). Pratham Balwadis (pre-school classes) multiplied in other locations. Today Pratham reaches millions of children in rural and urban areas in 19 of the country’s 28 states, through early childhood education, learning support to in-school and out-of-school children, mainstreaming of out-of-school children, computer literacy, vocational training for youth and special programs for vulnerable and working children. An area approach (whole community interventions) was adopted in 2002-2003. Pratham’s Learn to Read (L2R) technique is an accelerated learning technique targeted at teaching both in-school and out-of-school children how to read in 4- 8 weeks. Facilitated by Pratham, The Annual Status of Education Report (ASER) is the largest survey undertaken in India by people outside the government. It measures the enrollment as well as the reading and arithmetic levels of children in the age group of 6-14 years.

WISE Jury and Committee

Escuela Nueva - Colombia
The 2013 WISE Prize for Education was awarded to Vicky Colbert, founder and director of Fundación Escuela Nueva, and co-creator (together with Prof. Oscar Mogollón) of the Escuela Nueva (EN) model. EN was initiated as a local project in 1975, covering a few public schools in rural areas, and grew as a regular program within Colombia's Ministry of Education. In 1985, EN was adopted by the Colombian government as a national policy to universalize quality primary education in rural areas. EN has shown that the multigrade school (one or two teachers in charge of all levels in a single classroom), if given appropriate conditions and treated as a multigrade system, can become a quality alternative rather than a "poor temporary solution for the poor". In fact, Colombia has been the only country in Latin America where students in rural areas have shown higher learning achievements than children in urban areas when UNESCO's LLECE tests were applied. EN has also shown that, even with many problems and ups and downs, radical and meaningful innovation can be developed within government structures and within formal, mainstream education. The Escuela Nueva Foundation was created in 1987 in order to help strengthen the program, adapt it to urban areas, and expand it to other countries (the EN model has been experimented in 16 countries). Over the years, EN has received numerous international awards, including a WISE Award in 2009.

WISE Jury and Committee

CAMFED - Zimbabwe, Zambia, Ghana, Tanzania and Malawi
The 2014 WISE Prize for Education was awarded to Ann Cotton, a UK citizen founder of CAMFED.
"When you educate a girl in Africa, everything changes. She’ll be three times less likely to get HIV/AIDS, earn 25 percent more income and have a smaller, healthier family."
Camfed is an international non-profit organisation that works in the poorest rural communities in sub-Saharan Africa. It wants to break the cycle of poverty and disease in rural areas by supporting girls to go to school and succeed, and empowering young women to step up as agents of change. Since 1993, Camfed has been working in Zimbabwe, Zambia, Ghana, Tanzania and Malawi, supporting over 1,202,000 students to attend primary and secondary school. Over 3 million children have been benefited. They are selected by the community as being the most in need. Camfed supports them throughout their development, from primary school until adulthood. In every country, Camfed works through national and local systems - with parents, teachers, government officials, and traditional authorities. It does not set up a parallel system. Programs are devised, managed, and monitored by the community, and all of Africa offices are staffed by nationals of that country. The Camfed Alumnae Association (CAMA) is a pan-African network of Camfed graduates, currently with 24,436-members. They receive training in health, financial literacy and ICT, as well as business development and entrepreneurship. They, in turn, support vulnerable children to stay in school, and deliver health and financial literacy training to over 150,000 students and community members in their own countries. Camfed's values are: 1. Focus on the Girl, 2. Involve the community, 3. Operate transparent, accountable programs. Camfed’s model has been recognised as best practice by the OECD for setting the standard for governance, sustainability and development innovation at scale.

WISE Jury and Committee

What do these four education programs have in common?  

Two of them are located in Asia, in two of the "nine most populous countries" on earth, where education issues and problems are massive and extremely complex. One is located in Latin America, in comparatively small Colombia, affected by long-term violence, social inequity and conflict. One works in Sub-Saharan Africa - Zimbabwe, Zambia, Ghana, Tanzania and Malawi - where social and education challenges are extremely big. Very different "developing countries", each of them unique and specific within their own regions.

The four programmes:

» Have a long history and process behind
: BRAC started in 1972, Escuela Nueva in 1975, Camfed in 1993, Pratham in 1994.  

» Started local and small
, before expanding and becoming national and later international models. This bottom-up approach, plus the long term effort, have been key to their sustainability and success.

» Emerged as educational alternatives for the poor and some of the most disadvantaged groups in their respective societies. BRAC, Escuela Nueva and Camfed were rooted in rural areas. Their education models were tailored for the specific conditions of rural areas.   

» Serve children, through primary education in the case of BRAC and Escuela Nueva, early childhood and pre-school education in Pratham, and primary and secondary education in Camfed. BRAC started targetting girls, given the huge gender gap in primary education enrollment and attendance in Bangladesh at that time. Camfed is devoted to girls and women.  

» Expanded gradually
beyond their original visions, missions and scopes, paying attention to the needs revealed by reality and by the learning process itself. They ventured into new areas, covered new ages and levels. All of them were aware of the importance of involving parents, families and communities, and have worked consistently in that direction.

» Focus on ensuring the basics
: reading, writing and numeracy, survival, life and social skills, family and community empowerment.  

» Give great importance to pedagogy and to pedagogical transformation,
much more than to infrastructure, administration or technologies. They all adopt learner-centered pedagogies. 

» Have been developed by NGOs, with the exception of Escuela Nueva, which was built within the existing ministry of education structure. In this case, the NGO has played a key role in accompanying, sustaining and promoting the innovation. Camfed is an international NGO. 

» Are low cost
: they take advantage of all human and material resources available in the school, the family and the community.  

» Have been supported by several international agencies, especially from the United Nations as well as from the World Bank and other regional banks and organizations. Also by the private sector. 

» Have received much recognition both at national and international levels.  

Have a rather low technological profile. Technologies are not the driving force. Human beings, participation, volunteering, school-community relationship, pedagogical transformation, are the key.

Related texts in this blog
Rosa María Torres and Manzoor Ahmed, Reaching the Unreached: Non-formal Approaches and Universal Primary Education   

Las mejores ideas ocurren en posición horizontal

Foto: Waldorf School of the Penninsula, Sillicon Valley, Calif, USA

"Las buenas ideas no suelen aflorar mientras dormimos, pero sí cuando estamos en posición horizontal. Esto es al menos lo que revela un experimento realizado por varios psicólogos de la Universidad de Canberra, en Australia. Según el estudio, la postura horizontal es la más idónea para estimular la creatividad, azuzar el ingenio y resolver mentalmente los problemas. Lo hacemos peor sentados o de pie. Esto es así porque, al tumbarnos, el cuerpo entra en un estado deseable de relajación para que el cerebro trabaje al cien por cien. Además, en esta posición, le llega más combustible, es decir, sangre".  (¿Se piensa mejor tumbado o sentado?, en: Muy Interesante)

Ilustración Rita Cardelli

Tradicionalmente se ha considerado que la posición horizontal es la indicada para dormir y que la posición vertical - parada, pero sobre todo sentada - es la indicada para aprender, para leer, para escribir, para estudiar, para pensar, para trabajar. Sobre esta base se han organizado la arquitectura, la  infraestructura, el mobiliario, el currículo, la pedagogía y las tecnologías escolares, las aulas de clase, los auditorios, las estaciones de trabajo. No obstante, resulta que las ideas fluyen mejor si quien las piensa - despierto, en plena vigilia - está en posición horizontal. Cuando el cuerpo se relaja, la mente funciona mejor. El cerebro en reposo es proclive a la creatividad.
Llevo muchos años sabiéndolo. Desde niña tengo junto a mi cama una libreta, lista para esa idea que saltará en algún momento y no me dejará en paz mientras no la ponga en blanco y negro. La predilección por el suelo, las alfombras, los colchones, las esteras, las almohadas y los almohadones, los sofás, los puff, los sillones reclinables, las hamacas, el césped ... la arrastro también desde la infancia. Siempre leí y escribí en la cama, antes de dormir, y durante el día en posiciones y lugares que otros consideran insólitos. En mi vida escolar prefería - como muchos adolescentes y jóvenes - hacer las tareas tendida en la cama o en el piso antes que en el escritorio del estudio.

Una de las clases que más disfrutaba en el colegio era la clase semanal de religión; el profesor (jesuíta) daba su clase en el jardín, sentado en una pequeña fuente de piedra, con nosotros alrededor, desparramados sobre el césped. Era una clase placentera. Sin pizarra, sin apuntes, con muchas preguntas y con murmullo de agua en el fondo.

Siempre he creído que la biblioteca convencional - incluso si es moderna y bien dotada - es un lugar poco atractivo y hasta hostil para leer. No recuerdo cuándo fue la última vez que leí en una, sentada, rígida, en silencio. He buscado por donde voy, en todo el mundo, librerías y bibliotecas que me sorprendan por su comodidad para la lectura, y he encontrado pocas.

Si llegara a organizar mi propia escuela o centro de formación docente, tendría sello propio, no solo en la pedagogía sino en el mobiliario y en la organización y uso de los espacios. 

Hace mucho no trabajo en una compu con las rodillas dobladas y los pies contra el suelo. Si la primera laptop significó un salto cualitativo y una extraordinaria sensación de liberación, la llegada del wifi fue la gloria. Hoy leo y escribo en cada rincón de mi casa, adentro y afuera, en pantallas y en papel. Y me pregunto cómo pude escribir tanto, y disfrutar tanto de la escritura, en posiciones tan anti-natura, anti-cuerpo, anti-todo.

Algunas de las experiencias educativas más notables que he conocido - ricas y pobres - transcurren a ras del suelo. Las escuelas no-formales del BRAC en Bangladesh. El Taller de Lectura para Maestros en Olinda. La educación comunitaria bajo un árbol en una comunidad en Senegal. La biblioteca de la Escola da Vila en Sao Paulo. La escuelita itinerante en Vitoria. La escuela Pestalozzi que visité en Florencia y el taller de caligrafía que presencié en una plaza en China, sobre los que aún no escribo.

La reunión más extraordinaria en la que he participado fue en una isla privada, en el medio de un lago, en Canadá. Un lugar pensado para reuniones de Think Tanks, para pensar, conversar, debatir, construir, entre todos y en grupo. Una semana dedicada a pensar el presente e imaginar el futuro de la educación en el mundo, en un espacio amplio, luminoso, con vista al mar por todos los costados, con piso brillante y asientos de todos los tamaños, estilos y colores para que cada quien eligiera el suyo. Yo me instalé en un puff mullido y multiforme, con suficiente espacio para compartir entre dos. Todos descalzos o en medias, los zapatos a la entrada, como debe ser.

Otra reunión memorable de trabajo fue en un jacuzzi. Ocho personas - hombres y mujeres - planeando un seminario con las piernas chapoteando y el agua hasta el cuello. Recuerdo pocas reuniones tan creativas y productivas como esa.

La investigación también dice que "al aire libre se aprende mejor". Nada como el aire libre - céspedes, huertos, veredas, calles, parques, playas, muelles, balcones, azoteas - para tenderse a pensar, a observar, a leer, a escribir, a sentir, a aprender.

Los ilustradores de libros infantiles se esmeran en mostrarnos los placeres de la lectura al aire libre, de día y de noche.

árboles ...



y algún animalito
alrededor: pájaros, gatos, conejos, búhos ... 

¿Por qué los sistemas escolares insisten en asociar lectura con sillas, mesas, pupitres, estanterías, bibliotecas, laboratorios de computación? Los niños, la lectura y la imaginación se tientan con el suelo.

En la escuela Pestalozzi que visité en Florencia, los libros no estaban en estanterías sino en canastas y la lectura no se hacía en la biblioteca sino en espacios colectivos organizados afuera del aula, con canastas, cojines y pequeñas alfombras, todo a ras del suelo. Al estilo japonés.

Si los niños se sintieran libres para pedir, pedirían que los libros estuvieran al alcance y pudieran leerse con comodidad, sin pedir permiso, sin ceremonias.
Escuelas amantes de la naturaleza y del aprendizaje al aire libre nos muestran niños, adolescentes y jóvenes panza arriba o panza abajo, leyendo, escribiendo, dibujando, pintando, conversando ...

Investigaciones concluyen que el contacto con la naturaleza incrementa la inteligencia, la concentración y la creatividad, la capacidad para tomar decisiones y para lidiar con la frustración y la ansiedad.

Unidad Educativa del Milenio, Guaranda, Ecuador. Foto: Andes

¿Que niño o niña puede sentirse a gusto en un laboratorio de computación con mesas tan altas que los pies quedan colgando y hay que hacer un gran esfuerzo para usar los teclados y alcanzar a ver las pantallas?
Sillones y sofás se hicieron fama como estaciones televisivas. Pero desde siempre, desde mucho antes que apareciera la televisión, sillones y sofás han sido estaciones de lectura. Innumerables artistas, entre ellos muchos famosos, han retratado a hombres y mujeres leyendo, en ambientes y sillones de época.

Lectoras recatadas, primorosamente ataviadas ...
... y también poco ataviadas.

Hoy en día los sofás son buenos ya no solo para leer sino también para escribir. Escritores y teclados se acomodan a toda clase de superficies y materiales.

Las tinas de baño han sido siempre lugares atractivos para leer. Y hay quienes las prefieren también para escribir...
Las hamacas constituyen un subconjunto muy especial entre los objetos funcionales y placenteros. Usadas por pobres y ricos, las hay desde muy simples hasta sofisticadísimas.

Millones de pobres en el mundo duermen en hamacas, las usan de camas, de cunas, de corralitos infantiles, ignorando que éstas se han convertido en objetos fashion, recomendadas y codiciadas desde que la ciencia afirma que en una hamaca se duerme mucho mejor que en una cama. Lo raro es encontrarlas en espacios que no son ni de descanso ni de recreación.

Elegí la foto de una niña leyendo en una hamaca para ilustrar la educación en Finlandia. Una hamaca en una escuela es, ciertamente, revolucionario. Informalidad, comodidad. El cuerpo a sus anchas. Hamacas en la biblioteca, en la sala de profesores, en las oficinas administrativas, en el patio. Dormir y tomar una siesta como posibilidad en horario escolar tanto para los alumnos como para los profesores.

En Curitiba, Brasil, el director de la Escola Estadual Brasílio Vicente de Castro (más de 2 mil alumnos), inspirado por unas vacaciones en la playa, decidió invertir en hamacas y en lectura al aire libre.
“Teníamos un área ociosa de mil metros cuadrados. Fue ahí que pensé en colgar hamacas y crear un espacio agradable". Con un pequeño fondo de la Asociación de Padres, Madres y Funcionarios (APMF), compró 40 hamacas a 22 Reales cada una y creó un hamacario de lectura. ¡Genial!

Oficinas de Google en Sao Paulo. Foto: NatGeo
Saber que el mobiliario principal de las oficinas de Google en Sao Paulo son hamacas, fue una revelación. Desde entonces cuento el cuento a burócratas, académicos, empresarios, directores y profesores de escuelas.... Alguno se dejará inspirar y desformalizar. Quisiera ver esa sala de profesores donde los profesores pueden compartir, descansar y hasta tomarse una siesta como parte de su rutina diaria y de una estrategia deliberada de profesionalización y bienestar docente.

La cama: uno de los más grandes y más versátiles inventos de la humanidad, objeto de adoración y elogios en la literatura universal.

La cama más extraordinaria que conozco es la de Neruda en su casa de Isla Negra, en Chile, que él mismo diseñó. Ubicada en su dormitorio en el segundo piso, la cama fue colocada de modo tal que la ilumina el sol durante todo el día y tiene vista al acantilado y al mar sin necesidad de incorporarse. Neruda, como nadie, supo dar a la cama su sitial de lugar más importante de la casa.

La cama se ha convertido en aliada favorita en tiempos de dispositivos electrónicos, compartiendo honores con el baño. Según un informe de Nielsen (2011), en Estados Unidos la mayoría de niños, jóvenes y adultos que tienen tabletas, teléfonos inteligentes y lectores electrónicos prefieren usarlos en la cama. Es de suponer que preferencias similares se estén asentando en muchos otros países...

Tanto se invierte en mobiliario duro, incómodo y costoso en el hogar, en el sistema escolar, en el trabajo, en la academia, en la iglesia, en el gobierno. ¿Qué tal almohadones y hamacas en las salas de espera, en las aulas, en los centros de profesores, en las bibliotecas? ¿Clases y reuniones al aire libre? ¿Lectura y escritura horizontales en playas, hospitales, cárceles? ¿El suelo como superficie para jugar, estudiar, trabajar? ¿Siestas permitidas y programadas - en vez de penalizadas - en lugares de estudio y de trabajo? Son muchas las opciones, las variantes, las combinaciones. Yo cumplo aquí con informar y ofrecer ejemplos, incluidos algunos de mi propia experiencia personal.

Reaching the Unreached: Non-Formal Approaches and Universal Primary Education

Rosa María Torres
and Manzoor Ahmed

Photos: BRAC, Bangladesh

Photo: CONAFE indigenous school, Mexico

This text is part of a dossier prepared by Manzoor Ahmed and myself in 1993, while both of us worked at UNICEF/HQ Programme Division in New York. The dossier was one of many UNICEF/ Education Cluster contributions to the policy-making process following the World Conference on Education for All - EFA (Jomtien-Thailand, 1990). The dossier included this conceptual text and a selection of twelve innovative primary education programmes from all over the world. Some of them are now over forty years old, such as BRAC in Bangladesh, Cursos Comunitarios - CONAFE in Mexico or Escuela Nueva in Colombia (BRAC and Escuela Nueva won recent WISE Awards). The term "non-formal" - adopted mainly from the South Asian experience - refers to the innovative, flexible and alternative nature of these programmes.
There was no Internet back in 1993. The dossier was printed and distributed by mail to all UNICEF offices. Two decades later, many of the ideas contained here remain valid. Many things have changed in the world, for good and for bad, and opportunities for education and for lifelong learning have widened, but many of the key educational problems addressed by the six EFA goals are still unsolved. Universal Primary Education - UPE (EFA Goal 2) remains a major challenge - not only universal access and retention but, most importantly, universal learning.
In 1990, at the launch of the global Education for All initiative (World Conference on Education for All, Jomtien), according to UNESCO there were 106 million children out of school. The year 2000 was established as the deadline for achieving UPE. In 2000 (World Education Forum, Dakar), the promise was postponed until 2015. However, in 2013 (data from 2001-2012):

- "More than 57 million children continue to be denied the right to primary education, almost half of whom will never enter a classroom."
- "Progress in reducing the number of children out of school has come to a virtual standstill just as international aid to basic education falls for the first time since 2002." (EFA Global Monitoring Report/UNESCO-UIS, Policy Paper 09, June 2013).
- Nigeria, Pakistan, Ethiopia, India, the Philippines, Burkina Faso, Kenya, Niger, Yemen, and Mali are the 10 countries with the largest number of out of school children.
- About 25% of children who enroll in school drop out before completing primary education.
- 120 million of those who complete four years of primary education are not able to read, write, and calculate.
“We are at a critical juncture. The world must move beyond helping children enter school to also ensure that they actually learn the basics when they are there. Our twin challenge is to get every child in school by understanding and acting on the multiple causes of exclusion, and to ensure they learn with qualified teachers in healthy and safe environments. Now is not the time for aid donors to back out. Quite the reverse: to reach these children and our ambition to end the learning crisis, donors must renew their commitments so that no child is left out of school due to lack of resources, as they pledged at the turn of this century.” Irina Bokova, UNESCO’s Director General, June 2013.

The proximity of the 2015 deadline - both for Education for All (EFA) and for the Millennium Development Goals (MDG) - has revived old concerns, discussions and ideas with a long history. Governments and international agencies have weak institutional memories; documents that are not on the web are invisible today. These are some of the reasons why we resuscitate this text and make it available in digital format, as a contribution to current reflections and analyses on primary schooling, educational innovation and education reform worldwide. 
Reaching the Unreached:
Non-Formal Approaches and Universal Primary Education

Dossier Prepared for the Second EFA Forum by UNICEF,  New York, 1993
This paper is the product of a collaborative effort. A draft prepared at UNICEF by Rosa-María Torres and Manzoor Ahmed was circulated to the international EFA Forum Steering Committee and others. Comments received were taken into account in preparing a longer draft that was reviewed in a meeting held at UNICEF headquarters in New York on 7-8 June 1993. The meeting was attended Olivier Berthoud, Anil Bordia, Frank Dall, Lavinia Gasperini, Aklilu Habte, Khadija Haq, Aster Haregot, Anthony Hewett, Uyeng Luong, Frank Method, Nyi Nyi, Heli Perrett, Ana Maria Quiroz, Elsie Rockwell, Kate Torkington, Daniel Wagner and Fred Wood. All these contributions are acknowledged gratefully.

The term Non-Formal Education (NFE) denotes here an approach to education rather than an educational domain or sub-system. Such approach introduces greater flexibility with respect to formal education: a decentralised structure, more democratic management and relationships,  adapting programmes to specific contexts and people (families, learners, educators), learner-centred pedagogies and content, creative ways of mobilising and using education­al resources, community ownership and participation in planning and management. Non-Formal Primary Education, as it is called in South East Asia, refers thus to non-conventional school programmes that "deformalise" schools in a number of aspects. In order to reach the unreached - the hardest to reach, the poorest, the most vulnerable and distant, those trapped in conflict situations - flexibility is essential. Rigid and homogeneous school patterns, imposed to all, have not and will not serve the purpose.

"Non-formal" approaches can be applied to all modes and levels of education - including initial, primary, secondary and tertiary education, as well as adult education, and vocational training.  Given the paramount importance of universal primary education (UPE) -- UPE being recognized as the core and the cutting edge of 'basic education for all' within EFA efforts -- this paper concentrates on NFE's potential for achieving UPE.


The main delivery system to ensure children's basic education outside the family is the school. Primary education must be universal, meet the basic learning needs of children, and take into account the culture, needs and expectations of families and of the community. Non-conventional, alternative programmes can help meet such basic learning needs, even in highly disadvantageous situations, if they are given the necessary conditions to facilitate children's access, wellbeing and learning.

Achieving universal primary education has been an explicit aim for most countries since the early 1960s. However, UPE was understood in terms of enrollment, regardless of retention, completion, and actual learning. This model, centered on a linear and homogeneous expansion of the regular school system, overlooked the different contexts and needs of the population, the actual teach­ing/learning conditions and processes, and ultimately, the learning results. Access and enrollment, infrastructure and central administration consumed most efforts and budgets destined for education, to the detriment of the quality of teaching/learning conditions and results. Non‑enrollment, repetition, dropout and low learning achievement are still major challenges, particularly for 'developing countries' and for the most disadvan­taged groups of society.

Although progress in the last three decades has raised net enrollment rate in developing countries from around 50 per cent of the primary school age-group to over 80 per cent, there are still at least 130 million eligible children who are not enrolled in primary schools. And of those who enroll, at least one-third, do not complete the primary cycle because of a combination of poverty and other socio-cultural disadvantages of children and their families, and the poor quality of the education offered. These figures hide profound disparities, such as those between rural and urban areas, between and within countries, and between boys and girls.

"Education for All" launched and approved in Jomtien (1990) re-defined UPE beyond enrollment or numbers of years of schooling; UPE must ensure "meeting basic learning needs" and "alternative programmes" must ensure:

(a)  quality,
(b)  linkages with the regular school system ("the components should constitute an integrated system, complementary and mutually reinforcing"), and
(c)  adequate support.

(a)  Quality: Quality is a major concern in all forms and levels of education. In particular, quality remains a key issue within the NFE field, historically marked by low academic status and weak political and social recognition. The most effective way to gain legitimacy, indispensable to success, is by demonstrating results. Achieving equal results as those of the school system -- often claimed as a proof of success-- is important but not enough if we consider the low learning outcomes of the school system and the ongoing efforts to improve them.

(b)  Linkages with the regular school system: The battle for UPE requires convergent -- although diversified -- efforts, integrated within a unified system. Not only is the school system the most widespread educational institution worldwide, but it also defines and influences social perceptions and expectations about educa­tion in general. Associating NFE with "out-of-school" education has contributed to its marginalisation. Rather than developing two parallel systems, it is necessary to create linkages and coordination between school and out-of-school, formal and non-formal, based on complementarity, mutual exchange and mobility between them. NFE approaches have much to contribute to the renovation and the "deformalisation" of the school system as well as to the creation of non-conventional programmes complementary to regular schools to serve the difficult-to-reach groups. 

(c)  Adequate support: NFE has been traditionally viewed as a cheap compensatory alternative to the school system, operating with untrained, underpaid and voluntary personnel, with low budgets and precarious management. NFE primary education programmes are required to achieve the same or more than the mainstream school system under more difficult circumstances -- serving the most disadvantaged populations, most heterogeneous groups, in hard-to-reach zones - with fewer resources. If NFE is to improve its quality and play an effective role as a national UPE strategy, it will require greater resources and support at all levels of the educational and administrative hierarchy. Govern­ment policy and decision-makers must assume a lead role in promoting diversified educational approaches, in mobilizing and sustaining a favourable climate of opinion towards them, and in guarantee­ing the conditions (political, financial, legal, techni­cal, and managerial) required for success.


There are today, in broad terms, three main strands of organizational and institutional arrangements in primary education: a) the formal school system, b) traditional indigenous education systems and institutions and c) non-conventional programmes generally labelled as NFE programmes. The three are present in all regions, although operating under very specific realities, with different emphases, approaches and strategies. All three require major changes and improvement.

a.  Innovations within the formal school system

The need to reform and revitalise the formal school system is evident all over the world. Counterbalancing the growing tide of criticism and skepticism about schools and public education, identify­ing and disseminating "success stories" ("good practices", "effective schools") have become a major thrust both nationally and interna­tionally. Programmes such as Colombia's Escuela Nueva, Chile's Programa de las 900 Escuelas, Mexico's Cursos Comunitarios, Zimbabwe's Educational Reform and the "Community School" approach revived in several African and Asian countries, show that change is possible and taking place within school walls in state-run public education systems. Many of these reforms have been inspired or become acceptable and possible as a result of the legitimacy of change and innovation spawned by NFE practices and research. Since formal primary schools serve the large majority of children, the greatest potential for NFE's contribution to universal primary education lies in its possibilities to trigger change and innovation in the public school system.

b.  Traditional indigenous education institutions

Traditional indigenous institutions, primarily stemming from the religious tradition predating European colonialism, are widespread in 'developing countries' and can be found in many countries under different denominations (Buddhist temple schools in several Asian countries, African bush schools in Liberia, Islamic schools in Asian and African countries, Church Schools in Ethiopia, etc). Many of them are elaborate systems that have been maintained outside the standard school system, have not been incorpo­rated in educational diagnoses and statistics, and have been overlooked by policy makers and researchers. Some provide an alternative to modern schooling, including a whole range of levels and modalities that play an equivalent role to the conventional "ladder" from pre-school to middle and even special­ized education. Some of them have been undergoing changes and introducing innovations in an effort to adapt to changing times and to "modernization". This is particularly true of the Islamic or Koranic school system, prevalent in over 40 countries and a large school population numbering in tens of millions of children.

Today, with ongoing educational reforms and a sense of urgency promoted by EFA, there is an increasing interest - particularly in Africa and Asia - in studying, documenting and revitalizing these traditional indigenous education alternatives, incorporating them within UPE efforts, and nourishing them with new curriculum and pedagogical methods, some of which are derived from NFE  approaches. 

c.  Non-formal primary education programmes

Primary education programmes categorically labeled as "non-formal" have been emerging since the early 1970s, with a marked increase during the 1980s, particularly in South Asia, the region with the highest percentage of out-of-school children in the age group 6-11.  (Bangladesh's BRAC Non-formal Primary Education is one of the best known programmes of this type). These programmes are still incipient in Africa and rather unfamiliar in Latin America and the Caribbean, where the term "non-formal" continues to be associated with adult education and out-of-school activities.

Non-formal primary education is aimed at out-of-school children/ youth, covering both the non-enrolled and the drop-out; most programmes operate in the rural areas; some are specifically designed to deal with gender disparity through a range of measures including gender-segregated programmes; some are addressed to very specific groups such as working children/youth, abandoned or street children, refugees, nomads, etc;  many derive methodology from adult education programmes, and some have maintained that link and even developed an integrated child/adult education framework; and some have attempted systematically to establish links with other development activities such as community development projects, women's groups, recreation and reading centers, etc.

These programmes present a great variety in terms of magnitude and scope, management, modes of delivery, curriculum, teaching approaches, and relation­ship with the school system. Some common features of the more effective non-formal primary education programmes can be identified:

Organization of the programme: annual calendar, daily schedule and number of total yearly hours determined by local circumstances, including part-time and spare-time schedules as well as multiple-shift arrangements. Emphasis on utilizing shorter hours more effectively.  Local and community involvement in planning, management and budget with accountability to community and parents.

  Teachers: Para-professionals and community members, including part-time and volunteer staff for all or most of the teaching personnel. Flexible formal education requirements, short pre-service orientation/training; reliance on on-the-job learning and supervision for maintaining teaching quality and teachers' motivation.

Learners: Flexible age requirements and no pre-requisites, although usually "affirmative action" approach in favour of the disadvantaged is followed.

Curriculum and teaching-learning methods: Curriculum and learning materials are adapted to local needs through simplification, shortening, condensing or re-structuring the curriculum. Flexible evaluation, promotion and certification criteria and procedures. Pragmatic mix of a variety of approaches and methods: self-learning, group and individual work, peer-tutoring, ability and interest grouping; self-paced learning; multigrade classes and arrangements.

Physical facilities: Any convenient physical facility (including private homes or even open spaces), multiple use of building, no capital investment for building within the primary education budget.

Types and degrees of linkages with the formal school system vary considerably from one programme to another, as well as the understanding and operationalization of the issue of "equivalence", depending on the role seen for NFE in the total UPE effort.  Many programmes run parallel to the regular school system and have no connection with it. A number of them seek equivalence either with the complete primary cycle or with some initial grades -- usually the first three or four grades. Some have lateral entries to the school system at several points. A few have a much wider and more complex relationship with the formal system, collaborating with it in areas such as teacher training, planning, learning materials, etc. Others operate in a compensatory role, as school reinforcement, providing poor and deprived children a substitute for elitist private tutoring (e.g. the Explicaçâo - "Explana­tion Schools" - in Guinea-Bissau and other countries). Establishing a modus operandi for links between the regular primary system and the non-formal programmes is critical for realizing the full potential of NFE for universal primary education.


Experiences have accumulated and lessons have been learned over the past decades to help avoid common mistakes, anticipate common problems, and limit the search for strategies, approaches and measures that have proven useful in different circumstances. Major requisites for effective application of NFE approaches in UPE can be identified from the wide vista of practice and experience in all regions of the world.

1.  A unified comprehensive system for UPE.  NFE and diversified approaches to primary education need to be seen as components of a unified system.  Major non-conventional and non-formal primary education initiatives must be a key component of the total UPE strategy to reach all those not reached by the regular system. This unified approach requires:

(a) decentralized local structures of planning, management and monitoring of the UPE strategy in geographical units small enough to allow meaningful involvement of communities; and

(b) a partnership for basic education and UPE at community and other levels among government, private sector, community organizations, parents, teachers and local government.

An unplanned voluntary sector expansion of NFE programmes, in a general climate of heavy criticism of public education and a government withdrawal, is not the answer.  Governments have to assume a strong and pivotal role in UPE in establishing general policies and indicators, guaranteeing basic inputs, compensating for regional imbalances, creating the conditions for local actions, and providing professional support for making a unified system with diverse approaches function effectively. 

2.  A supportive climate of opinion.  The greatest obstacle to adoption and effective application of NFE approaches is lack of understanding and appreciation of their potential both among national policy-makers and in the entrenched educational establishment. NFE has been traditionally conceived as "second rate" education, a low-cost compensatory alternative to the regular school system intended for the poor and for marginal populations. An effective way to counteract the perceived low status of NFE is to demonstrate its effectiveness, by carrying out well-conceived projects, assessing these and other relevant experiences, and disseminating the results.  Government policy and decision-makers must assume a lead role, especially in defending and promoting diversified educational approaches.

3.  A support structure for planning and implementation
.  Several factors are of crucial importance for success in NFE within UPE:

(a)  Organisational, administrative and management issues are often underestimated in the NFE field. The idea persists that NFE is, by nature, a non-systematic, non-structured type of education. NFE primary education programmes cannot succeed without a decentralised local structure for planning, management and monitoring in a small enough unit for effective community and parental participation in the local UPE effort. This local structure needs to have adequate authority and support by higher levels of the educational planning and administration hierarchy.  NFE cannot play its role fully as long as it is planned and managed in isolation from mainstream primary education.

(b)  The curriculum, pedagogy and learning materials are often neglected as key components of the educational process and as specialised areas. NFE approaches can help rethink conventional ways of addressing problems related to curriculum and content -- overburdening with too many academic subjects, use of a non-local language as medium of instruction, fragmentation of the curriculum and lack of practical relevance, which prompt children to drop-out and defeat the main purpose of primary education. Some successful programmes have simplified the curriculum, organized relevant learning materials, related content to the life and experience of learners, and adapted it to the specific needs and possibilities of teachers. Regional and even local adaptations to centrally produced materials that foresee the need and include built-in mechanisms for such adaptations have proven effective in programmes such as Escuela Nueva in Colombia.

(c)  Capacity-building and training of personnel in planning, administration, pedagogy, curriculum, supervision and evaluation at different levels are another neglected area. Teacher training in NFE approaches becomes all the more crucial considering the limited formal education and lack of pedagogic preparation of the usual para-professional and community teachers. A short initial training complemented by frequent refreshers and close supervision has proven successful in many programmes. Multigrade methodologies require specialized training targeted at the specific components and requirements of multigrade teaching (group learning, peer-tutoring, self-paced learning, self-instructional materials). At the same time, desirable levels of competence should be set realistically so that too high standards do not become an obstacle to expanding or replicating the programme and serving those deprived of any primary education opportunity.

4.  Adequate resources  NFE has been traditionally viewed as a cheap alternative to the formal school system. It is expected to accomplish the "mission impossible" with few resources and support.  Often, the very concept of "cost-effectiveness" is misunderstood: a programme may be cost-effective but not necessarily inexpensive, while a low-cost programme may turn out to be an ineffective investment. It is clearly necessary to pay attention to costs, benefits and resource mobilization for both formal and other complementary primary education programmes with a perspective of attaining the universalisation goal. NFE is not the remedy for chronic under-financing of primary education.  NFE approaches, however, offer the opportunity for developing a more efficient pattern of resource allocation, that de-emphasises capital costs and concedes greater importance to factors that are critical to the teaching-learning process and results, such as capacity building, learning materials, and monitoring.

5.  Strong community and parental involvement  Community and parental involvement are crucial not only for the necessary ownership of the programme but also for the indispensable accountability at local and community levels, both of which are crucial to sustainability. "Participation" is an ambiguous term and often understood in a restrictive sense -- provision of materials and labour force.  One essential condition is to create and cede authority to local planning and management structures that lead to community ownership of the programme.  Participation involves all phases of the programme, from design to evaluation.

6.  Assessment of learning achievement  Developing appropriate assessment methodologies and tools implies coming to an agreement on, or a definition of, basic learning needs in terms of literacy, numeracy, and basic life knowledge and skills. This also implies a clear understanding and assessment of implementing conditions and better use of information for planning, management and monitoring at local and higher levels. BRAC's Assessment of Basic  Competencies (ABC) -- a simple and rapid assessment method to assess reading, writing, arithmetic and essential life knowledge and skills -- is a pioneering attempt applicable to both formal and non-formal components of UPE.

7.  Taking advantage of modern and traditional media  Communication media are fundamental allies of UPE: (a) as complementary teaching and learning tools for everyone; (b) as a means for continuous teacher professional development and solidarity, and (c) as channels for advocacy, information, citizenship building and shaping public opinion. Better use of media and technologies for educational purposes requires developing technical capacities and critical thinking.

8.  Expansion and replication of innovations  The lack of plans and mechanisms for scaling up of programmes is a major issue in NFE approaches, especially the ones managed by NGOs. "Pilot projects" (often confused with "small projects") have become a matter of controversy as a result of many failed experiences. The opposite danger is of massive programmes that are implemented without previous experimentation or hurried scaling-up of emerging small-scale experiences. A balanced approach that recognizes ample lessons from experience in NFE as well as in other social development programmes must be adopted. More important, however, is the need to initiate and design programmes from the very beginning with an eye to expansion and replication, if we consider that in many countries UPE cannot be achieved without large-scale efforts.

9.  Addressing gender disparity  Studies conducted all over the world have consistently documented some of the main constraints in girls' and women's access to education, and the need for specific strategies to address them. Such strategies include, among others, the location of schools closer to homes or communities; promoting the recruitment of female teachers; reducing hidden costs to parents; developing relevant curricula; increasing community participation; promoting localiza­tion and decentralization; encouraging advocacy and social mobiliza­tion; designing systems that accommodate the needs of female students; and supporting multiple delivery systems that involve multi-media approaches. All of these constitute features commonly attributed to NFE approaches. If properly put into practice (at least a combination of several of them), NFE can make a specific contribution to greater gender equity. One concrete experience is that of BRAC in Bangladesh, where over 70 per cent of children enrolled in schools are girls.

10.  Continuing educational opportunities beyond primary education  Primary education cannot be viewed as a terminal and the only educational opportunity for the vast majority of the world's population. Invariably, expansion of primary education has led to an increasing demand for more education. Expanding, improving and diversifying post-primary educational opportunities are thus also challenges for both the regular school system and NFE programmes. Basic education, as defined by the World Conference on Education for All, must satisfy basic learning needs of children, youth and adults. In as much as one of these basic needs is building the foundation for lifelong learning, continuing post-primary education, also flexible and adapted to learners' specific needs and conditions, cannot be lost sight of in planning for UPE and NFE strategies.

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